Premenstrual syndrome: natural solutions

Depression, fatigue, pain, water retention, tension in the breasts, lower abdomen or lumbar region, confusion, nausea, acne, cravings for sugar, irritability or emotionality are sometimes the warning signs that announce the arrival of your menstruation. Commonly called premenstrual syndrome, these discomforts remind you that women are essentially cyclical. The hormones governing her existence subtly, her emotional and physical state fluctuate according to the period in the cycle. 

Discover in this article, naturopathic tips to manage premenstrual syndrome naturally and holistically.

Une alimentation hypotoxique à privilégier

To facilitate the work of the liver, prefer a light, hypotoxic, raw or lightly cooked diet and preferably organic quality.

 Avoid fried foods, red meats, alcohol, sweets, industrial dishes, dyes, preservatives, etc...

The hydration is important during this phase. The infusions will supplement the usually recommended amount of 1.5 liters per day and preferably between meals. 

Une phytothérapie ciblée pour prévenir les douleurs prémenstruelles au naturel

The use of plants must be accompanied by a complete and personalized naturopathic protocol. Please note that only your doctor is authorized to modify your treatment.

For proper management, the herbs chosen will need to support the work of the liver, take care of the nervous system, balance the hormones, nourish your body and finally, prepare the uterus for the next phase of the cycle.

La Mélisse Melissa Officinalis

Cette plante est utilisée traditionnellement pour ses vertus calmantes et décontracturantes. Elle agit ainsi à la fois sur le système nerveux et, par voie de conséquence, sur le système digestif. Elle sera donc utile pour les femmes angoissées, nerveuses, anxieuses mais aussi pour celles qui souffrent de ballonnement et de crampes intestinales pendant cette phase du cycle.

Scutellaire Scutellaria Lateriflora

Considered a powerful anxiolytic, it stabilizes mood in women with emotional fluctuations and those who are "on edge."

Caution: not recommended for women with liver sensitivity.

Pissenlit Taraxacum Officinalis

Cette plante que l’on retrouve couramment dans nos jardins est la grande amie du foie. Pourquoi s’occuper du foie en période pré-menstruelle ? Parce que, pendant cette phase, le foie est fortement sollicité pour gérer les œstrogènes et la progestérone, il faut donc l’aider en activant la sécrétion de bile pour soulager une digestion et un transit parfois paresseux. 

At the same time, its diuretic effect is very appreciable for relieving the phenomenon of water retention that many women complain about just before the arrival of menstruation.

Achillée Millefeuille Achillea Millefolium

Allied flower of the woman, it is hepatic and progesteronic.  It balances the female hormonal system allowing to decrease premenstrual syndromes and to balance the flux during menstruation. 

In addition, it helps soothe headaches and fevers that some may have during this time.

Gattilier Vitex Agnus-Castus

Chasteberry acts directly on the pituitary gland. It calms premenstrual syndrome and regulates menses

Angélique Angelica Archangelica

This plant is a blood circulation stimulant. It prepares the body for the upcoming period. Like dandelion, it is diuretic which helps to act on water retention

Angelica activates the blood flow in the uterus allowing the flow to flow. It is therefore advisable, if you have a significant flow, to take it well before your period.

Framboisier Rubus Idaeus

Feminine plant par excellence, the leaves of framboisier Accompanies the woman throughout the cycle. 1 week before menstruation, it calms menstrual cramps

Coupled with nettle and red clover, it brings minerals and nourishes the body.

L’huile d’onagre

L’evening primrose oil is generally presented in the form of capsule. It contains gamma-linolenic acid which is an omega 6 fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties. 

Evening primrose oil is very interesting in addition to everything presented in this article to relieve pre-menstrual syndrome.

Des exercices pour soulager la zone du ventre et du bassin

To accompany the intake of plant, small and extremely gentle exercises can help to relieve your aches.  

In a quiet position, lying down, in the dark or with your eyes closed, listen to your sensations and then begin to perform a gentle massage with or without oil on your belly. Breathe deeply as your hands provide gentle warmth, comfort. If a sensitive area is felt, stop for a moment, put your hands on it, breathe, bring your breath to that area, listen to what your body has to tell you...

Then, do some twists and put yourself in butterfly position, still lying on your back: the soles of the feet against each other and the knees open. If this position is uncomfortable, put cushions under your knees. Stay a few moments, the time to do some breathing (cardiac coherence) or visualization (sophrology)

Une bouillotte pour amener de la chaleur

The hot water bottle can be affixed to the liver to support it in its work because the liver needs heat to function well. Or, on the lower abdomen or lower back to relieve tension and/or cramps located in these areas.

This delicate phase is dreaded by many women. However, by changing the way you look at your period, by no longer seeing it as an enemy to be defeated but rather as an invitation to reconnect with your sensitivity, to listen to yourself better and to understand yourself better, it is possible that certain apprehensions disappear...

This obviously requires time and a kind ear to take care of yourself and live your femininity in a fulfilling and no longer submissive way.

Alexia Bernard 19 July, 2019
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