Paracetamol : danger for your health !

Beware of abusing paracetamol for your health!

Paracetamol, the basis of many medications, is in high demand right now. It is among the most requested drugs from pharmacies in France. Indeed, more than a billion boxes of this drug are sold each year.

Moreover, its consumption has increased significantly in 10 years, an increase of 53% is noted. However, if overused, it may not have the desired effect. Indeed, by consuming it excessively, it is harmful to the body, especially on the liver, according to the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines or ANSM.

Un avertissement fait par l’ANSM !

To warn of the dangers of abusing paracetamol, the ANSM decided to post a warning on the boxes of this drug. The existence of the "Overdose = Danger" leaflet will allow consumers/buyers to be warned and to know the risks in case of overdose.

Almost 200 paracetamols are affected by this new indication. Indeed, all drugs with it as a base will now have to carry this indication. It is imposed on all laboratories.

Moreover, the latter have less than a year, or even 9 months, to comply with this recommendation of the ANSM.

But what is the purpose of this guideline? According to, Dr. Dominique Martin, a director of the ANSM, this indication is an important message to communicate to buyers. It therefore deserves to be perfectly visible by being placed on the face of the boxes. According to this doctor, other measures can even be taken such as even stronger prescribing, to prevent overdosing.

Les indications pour la prise idéale du paracétamol

Paracetamol is often prescribed by doctors to soothe various ailments. Data in 2018, released by the French Observatory of Analgesic Drugs or OFMA, showed that it was prescribed to more than 50% of the population at least once. In addition, it is often indicated for women over the age of 40.

The results show that 84% of sales are by prescription and 16% without a prescription. 

However, more and more people are resorting to this medication in self-medication. This act is not prohibited, however, it is advised not to exceed the dose of 3g/d for its consumption. This one should also be spaced at least 4 hours apart.

Le Paracétamol est un médicament dangereux pour le foie

But why is paracetamol dangerous in overdose? According to studies conducted, overuse of this drug may harm the liver. Pr Cyrille Ferray, practicing at the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif, mentioned this risk. According to him, unfortunately, this harmful effect on health is not known by the population.

Now, many people are severely exposed by the effects of this overuse especially for alcoholics or for people with a nutrition problem. Overdose of paracetamol can cause serious liver problem.

It would even be the leading cause of liver transplantation. The director of the'ANSM is however keen not to alarm the population regarding the intake of this drug. Indeed, he wishes to remind that a normal consumption of this drug is safe. It is just necessary to avoid overdosing.

Marie Dupont 16 July, 2019
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