Autumn is a windy, wet and cold season where it's good to wrap up in a scarf, a warm coat and arm yourself with a strong umbrella. In general, this is the season that microbes prefer because they can make a cozy nest in your body. Joking aside, in autumn, many people complain of colds, sinusitis or other ENT problems that are generally not serious.
Very often the nose runs, the throat and the ears itch a little and one hears very often the children snuffling in the distance. Don't be fooled, the cold is there. Our first reflex is often to go to our doctor who will prescribe us a long list of medications to take: tablets, sprays, drops or even anti-cough and soothing syrups. These allopathic products take hold of us without really healing us.
Indeed, have you ever read the long list of ingredients in these products? While our bodies need a fall cleanse, we are clogging ourselves up again and again with products that are not meant to heal us but to clog us up even more.
What if we simply took care of ourselves?
First of all, don't wait until you get sick to run to the nearest pharmacy and raid the "winter care" section, as explained above. Taking care of yourself before you weaken your body is a much better attitude to adopt every year.
So towards the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, adopt an optimal lifestyle with the objective of pure and healthy living.
Eat seasonal, organically grown fruits and vegetables to avoid pesticide contamination.
Also eliminate refined products such as white sugar, white bread, pasta and white cereals that acidify your body, among others. Also, don't drink sugary or exciting beverages like soda, coffee or alcohol.
In autumn, do a monodiet
Grapes: monodiet par excellence, this draining fruit has the capacity to take care of all your purifying organs that are the emunctories. Ideal in autumn, the menus "100% grapes" will be your friends if you want to purify yourself and benefit from a lightening of the body and mind.
Of course, choose fresh grapes, organically grown and ideally freshly picked.
For a mono-diet without danger, take advice from your natural health therapist who will prepare for you a complete program of adaptation but also of re-adaptation.
Avoid food contamination as a priority because healthy food is your first medicine.
Taking care of yourself is a global challenge. To know that food is important, yes, but so is our environment. Replace your hygiene products with organic and 100% natural care products that will not clog your body from the outside. Aleppo soap, vegetable oil, clay and baking soda are sufficient for a pure and healthy cosmetic hygiene.
Why bother with aluminum deodorant, shower gel or toothpaste made with ingredients that are harmful to your body? Do the same for household products because if your house smells good, it may not be enough to keep germs at bay. Again, read the labels and see what is good for you to breathe.
By following a few rules of hygiene, you will avoid the invasion of viruses and prevent microbes from destroying your health. Because it is already difficult to live our lives to the fullest in this autumn period, so if we suffer from the ENT sphere, we become even weaker. Indeed, autumn is supposed to be a period of rest and hibernation that our rhythm of life does not allow us.
Take care of yourself and you'll keep germs away from your healthy body.