Male well-being after 45 - libido

Springtime is upon us, and it's when the senses and the body awaken. It's a time of rebirth and renewal, but you're still feeling a little off, with your libido at half-mast. What if this is linked to the natural decline in testosterone?

Decreased libido in men 

Decreased libido is a subject with which many men are familiar, especially those over 50. In fact, this phenomenon can affect all men, but it tends to appear with age.

The cause may lie in hormonal upheaval. However, it is possible to support your libido as you age by acting naturally.

Thinking man

Decreased libido: initial information

Decreased libido is a subject that affects men too, especially from the age of 50 onwards. According to a new report by the European Association of Urology, an increasing number of men are seeking help for a variety of libido disorders. libido. Moreover, in 2019, it was noted that there were around 32% more consultations than in 2009. However, another fact that drew attention was that low libido also affects younger men.

First of all, what is libido? 

In humans, libido is the psychological state manifested by the desire to engage in sexual activity. It can also be called sexual desire or sexual drive. This psychological state can ebb and flow throughout a person's life.

There is, however, a difference in the libido between men and women: sexual desire arouses much more quickly and easily in men than in women. In fact, it fluctuates less frequently and periodically in men. What both sexes have in common is that libido can be lacking in both, leading to disturbances in sexual life. 

When we talk about low libido, we mean loss of sexual desire. As far as men are concerned, they simply don't feel like making love anymore, and there's not necessarily a physical cause. However, there are many causes that can explain this drop in sexual desire. It's also worth noting that men often confuse erectile dysfunction with low libido.

Women, for their part, are much more affected by this phenomenon, which is why they used to be the ones to turn to when a couple was no longer having sex. According to current research, men are also affected by a drop in libido, and this is becoming more and more frequent. Perhaps it's also because men are more willing to talk about it, even if many of them decide to seek help late in life, after years of avoiding the problem.

Causes of low libido in men

Sexual desire in men is more constant, although it should be noted that they will be more sexually active before the age of 30. There are, however, factors that can disrupt his libido:

  • Le stress
  • The hormonal imbalances
  • A emotional shock
  • La fatigue general
  • Anxietyanxiety
  • A pressure at home or at work
  • Nervous and physical exhaustion
  • The depression
  • The overweight
  • A routine in a couple that no longer stimulates sexual desire.

We shouldn't forget that age and the hormonal upheavals associated with aging also play a part in disrupting libido from the age of 50-60.

Demiraj Elana 12 March, 2024
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