The glycemic index is a criterion for classifying foods according to the level of carbohydrate it contains and could bring to the body. As part of a healthy and balanced diet, the values of this index should be considered with every food. Thus, for better health, it is advisable to consume fruit with a low glycemic index.
Note on low glycemic index fruits
Each food is ranked on an index of 100. It is referred to as low glycemic index when the GI calculation refers to a number below 40. Preferring low glycemic fruits will help you stay healthier, lose weight if necessary, and prevent several diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
The TOP 8 low GI fruits
The following fruits have low carbohydrate. It is recommended that you include them in your daily diet.
With a GI of 25, this citrus fruit native to the Indian Ocean is among the fruits that have a of carbohydrate low. There is no risk involved in eating this fruit, as it can be considered an entirely light food. It also has avery low fat and protein content. Grapefruit can be incorporated into a diet for weight loss and into a person's diet in treatment diabetes.
The strawberry
Tied with grapefruit,strawberry also lists a glycemic index equal to 25. The advantage withstrawberry is that it tastes so good, and it can be consumed through many recipes such as in juice, compote, yogurt, as well as for flavoring cakes. It is also in the list of fruits to eatfor weight loss, as it has low fat content.
The mandarin
Among theselow-carb fruits is also the mandarin orange with a glycemic index equal to 30. In addition to thisvery low carbohydrate index, this citrus fruit is recommended by nutritionists due to its content of several vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The mandarin is often eaten fresh, as it can be easily peeled by hand.
The passion fruit
Passion fruit such as grenadilla, grenadelle, and maracudja have low blood sugar with an index equal to 30, and are recommended fortreatment of several diseases especially in high blood pressure problems. However, they are not recommended for diets in weight loss, as passion fruit is high in calories.
The pomegranate
Pomegranate comes in this list with a GI equal to 35. Yet it has important nutritional value with protein, vitamins and minerals. Its consumption could be safely associated with the treatment of diabetes. As part of a weight loss, however, care should be taken because the pomegranate presents a caloric intake more or less considerable.
The pear
With its unmatched deliciousness,the pear also has low carbohydrate content with a GI equal to 38. This lowglycemic level indicates that this fruit is not dangerous to diabetics and thus assimilable to a weight loss diet. The pear also has ananti diarrheal property.
The apple
Like the pear, apple also has a glycemic index equal to 38. This seeded fruit also provides several elements to the body such as minerals and trace elements. This fruit is also rich in several vitamins. The more acidic the apple, the more vitamin C it has. Eaten raw, it tones the gums and whitens the teeth. There are also several recipes by which it can be prepared.
The orange
At the end of this top 8, orange comes in with a GI equal to 4O. This fruit is on the borderline of low carbohydrate foods. Yet, it can be said that it is not dangerous enough compared to the amount of sugar it could bring back into the body.
Eat low GI fruits for better health
Low GI fruit: what are the benefits?
Why should you bother prefer low GI fruits? Certainly, because they are of particular interest to the organization.
Control of the level of carbohydrates in the blood
Learning aboutthe glycemic index of a food provides information about the amount of sugar it carries in the bloodstream. Carbohydrates that are stored in the body eventually present themselves as an imminent threat and could promote the profusion of diabetes. Indeed, high blood sugar is the cause of dental caries.
Weight loss
Consuming low GI fruits thus leads to weight loss. Did you know that carbohydrate stored in the blood is translated into fat and could cause obesity by insulin spikes from the pancreas? Fruits that are low in carbohydrates will keep you away from the risk of high cholesterol and obesity.
For a better health
In short, eat low GI fruit for better health, as carbs lead to the disease of diabetes. In addition, cholesterol from excess carbohydrate causes cardiovascular problems.