It is also calledpermeable bowel syndrome. The leaky gut begins and develops in the gut. Very quickly, this disease reaches many parts of the body to cause several troubles on health. Indeed, it could be the cause of many infections, discomforts and pains. Learn about the different causes and symptoms of this disease..
All about leaky gut
This disease is caused byinflammation in thesmall intestine. The wall is deteriorated and then perforated, i.e., it becomes permeable. This problem at the the intestine infects the entire body very quickly and has many characteristics. In order to study this disease further, we will know how it manifests itself and the reasons why we get it.
What are the main causes of leaky gut?
There are several phenomena that cause leaky gut. These multiple causes are usually related to what we take in through our diet, chronic stress from the pressures of daily life, the level of toxic substances in the body and the imbalance in the amount of bacteria in the body. When these situations persist, they result in damage to the gut wall, which would lead to its permeability.
Causes of leaky gut
First of all, poor diet is mainly to blame for the case of leaky gut. Dairy products, processed foods, high sugar foods and fast food snacks are some of its undeniable factors. The use of certain drugs could cause this damage of the intestine.
The effect of stress in the body impacts a degradation of the intestinal mucosa that results in its deterioration. Thus, this phenomenon is also at the origin of hormonal imbalances. This will contribute to the hypermediation of the gut.
During an infection, bacteria reach the digestive system. This invokes an imbalance on the number of microorganisms in the body. Harmful microbes are in abundance. This decreases the immune capacity of the gut and results in wall damage.
Toxins absorbed from the environment weaken the performance of the intestinal mucosa. The immune system is no longer resistant to harmful bacteria in the body. This failure of the defense will promote the leaky gut case.
Provocative substances
Althoughlectins are part of the immune system in the gut, this substance in excess could present itself as a real danger promoting the profusion of intestinal hypermeability. Therefore, it is advisable to moderate the consumption of lectin rich foods such as rice, wheat and soy.
It is also recommended to consume as little sugar as possible. The presence of blood sugar in the body is essential, but overloading it presents an imminent danger. Sugar feeds yeast and other harmful bacteria. Its actions will promote attacks that will alter the gut.
Consumption of milk and products made from it should also be monitored in order to avoid or prevent the case of high intestinal hypermeability. In all its states, milk can easily cause damage to the gut.
Leaky gut, what happens in the gut wall
What does leaky gut look like?
Leaky gut comes in many forms. This is because the patient will not have symptoms in the digestive system, but in the entire body. Hyper-tightness of the gut is the cause of many ailments, discomforts and imbalances. In general, if you suffer from leaky gut, you're going to hurt all over!
The symptoms of the disease
Leaky gut is due to the permeability of the gut. It is the wall of the small intestine that allows, or does not allow, the passage of molecules into the intestinal area. When leaky gut occurs, this septum is no longer able to filter the bacteria that pass through it. This is when the person begins to show the different symptoms.
First, it is the digestive system that is affected first. The patient experiences bloating in the belly. Afterwards, the body becomes sensitive to certain foods. As a result of these digestive problems, it is possible that the person with leaky gut will gain weight, it could even be considerable.
The disease then dies out in other parts of the body. It causes joint pain in the limbs. Second, the patient will experience fatigue very frequently. This will be accompanied by headaches. The skin is thus affected, acne and rosacea appear.
What are its consequences?
The area of absorption in the small intestine is very large. In case of permeability, this allows the passage of a large amount of undesirable molecules into the blood. The presence of these foreign bodies is the cause of discomfort and pain.
When these harmful molecules pass into the bloodstream, blood poisoning is just around the corner. The immune system is disturbed because of chronic inflammation. Liver overload will then lead to a situation of general fatigue.
In some cases, leaky gut results in the awakening of an allergy like rhinitis or even asthma. Food sensitivity becomes more and more extreme and turns into food intolerance on certain foods.