Dandelion root has been studied extensively for its ability to improve liver and gallbladder function, as well as stimulate appetite. Currently, human clinical trials are underway to evaluate the contribution of dandelion root extract in the treatment of blood-related cancers, including lymphoma and leukemia.
Dandelion and cancer, is it active in the fight against cancer?
Dandelion is a plant with yellow flowers. Taraxacum officinale is the most common variety of this plant. Dandelion grows in many parts of the world.
Botanists consider dandelions as herbs. People use the leaves, stem, flower and root of the dandelion for medicinal purposes.
The root of pissenlit is frequently used by herbalists to treat liver, kidney and gallbladder problems. Dandelion root has been used in China for certain types of cancers for centuries. It is incredibly rich in potassium and vitamin A.
Dandelion and cancer, does dandelion root fight cancer?
Dandelion root extract, rich in antioxidants, is a gentle alternative to cancer treatments. Dandelion helps to fight the damage of free radicals et provoque la mort des cellules cancéreuses sans affecter les cellules saines. La racine de pissenlit, contre le cancer, s’est révélée prometteuse dans le traitement :
- of the pancreas,
- of the colon,
- of the skin ,
- and bone marrow.
However, human studies are still limited on this subject. Dandelion root tea has been shown to kill various types of cancer cells in laboratory animals. Dandelion is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials in terminal blood-related cancers.
Dandelion and cancer, what are the active ingredients of dandelion in the fight against cancer?
Scientists observe the remarkable anti-cancer effects of dandelion root thanks to its active compounds such as :
Antioxidants: Dandelion flower extracts tested for their antioxidant properties on isolated body cells (in vitro) showed free radical scavenging activities. They also contributed to reduce the degradation of DNA strands. Leaf extracts are also abundant in polyphenols which have high antioxidant properties. Cancer is thought to be caused by free radical damage to DNA. Antioxidants combat oxidative damage caused by free radicals by preventing their formation and neutralizing them before they can damage cells.
Vitamin K: Dandelion and its extracts are also rich in vitamin K. This is another reassuring fact, as the nutrient could significantly reduce the risk of cancer.
Dandelion and cancer: Dandelion has many positive effects on health. Discover our gram of products.
What are the other health benefits of dandelion?
Boost the immune system
A growing body of evidence suggests that Dandelions can help strengthen the immune system. Researchers have found that dandelions have both antiviral and antibacterial properties. One study found that they help limit the growth ofhepatitis B in human and animal cells in test tubes.
However, more research is needed to determine the impact of dandelions on the immune system.
Reduce inflammation
Some studies indicate that extracts and compounds from dandelion may help reduce inflammation in the body.
In a 2014 study, researchers found that chemicals in dandelions had some positive effects on reducing inflammatory responses.
They conducted the study in cells and not in human participants. This means that more studies are still needed to conclude that this plant reduces inflammation in the human body.
Reduce blood pressure
There is little research to support the use of dandelion in reducing blood pressure.
However, dandelions are a good source of potassium. Clinical evidence shows that potassium can help reduce blood pressure.
In addition, scientific research proves that people taking potassium supplements had a reduction in blood pressure, especially if they already had high blood pressure.
Improve digestive health
Some people use this herb as a traditional remedyl contre la constipation and other digestive problems.
An animal digestion study indicated that certain chemicals in dandelions helped improve the digestive system. The study found a decrease in the resistance of food as it moved through the small intestine of rodents. Research is now needed on humans to test similar results.
The use of dandelion in cancer, what are its benefits?
Dandelions in cancer have many potential health and cancer treatment benefits. However, many claims require further research to prove the effectiveness of this herb in humans. If you have cancer, talk to your doctor. He will be able to inform you.
Dandelions are rich in nutrients and could be a healthy addition to the diet or daily supplements. As with any supplement, it is best to consult a physician before taking it. This is to determine possible risks and interactions with other medications.
Dandelion supplements are available in some health food stores and online stores. You can also prepare a dandelion tea.
How to make dandelion tea?
If you want to make an herbal tea, follow these proportions: boil 1 teaspoon of racine cut into small pieces for 5 minutes in 1 cup of water. Drink this consistency before meals, 2 to 3 times a day.
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