The menstrual cycle: phases and rhythms

When the woman takes the pill contraceptive, she locks herself in a linear life which closes her in a stagnant energy, stable and without fluctuation. In fact, every month, at the same time (at D+28), the woman under contraception undergoes withdrawal bleeding. Obviously, the periods that appear each month are not natural, it is simply the end of the contraceptive that causes these menstrual bleeds. Moreover, more and more young girls do not experience these periods of false "period". Indeed, they are prescribed - often for ease and convenience - a 28-day contraceptive without stopping.

In addition to the fact that the pill is dangerous for a woman's health, this little drug swallowed every day also prevents women from fully experiencing their menstrual cycles.

Menstrual cycle and hormonal cycle

In a purely medical view, the menstrual cycle serves to restore a woman's fertility each month, to give her the opportunity to become pregnant. Indeed, the menstrual cycle is the creative life of each woman, it is finally what fully differentiates the woman from the man.

Indeed, men are focused on a linear energy that we will call solar energy. At the same time, the woman would then be seen as subject to a lunar energy, centered on the rhythm of the moon.

Although contraception is a lifestyle choice for some couples, nature intended us to be cyclical women subject to changing energies throughout the month and thus undergoing energy variations every 5 to 10 days. From then on, from a hormonal point of view, the menstrual cycle is divided into 2 very specific phases:

  • The follicular phase - defined by the hormones "estrogen" - occurs before ovulation (usually on day 14). Natural estrogens are essential to a woman's life because they provide many health benefits. From then on, throughout her life, she will try to store it - mainly in the fatty tissues - to keep a reserve when production stops (at menopause).
  • The progesterone phase - defined by "progesterone" hormones - will occur in the second part of the cycle, namely after ovulation. This is the period during which the uterine lining becomes a soft nest if fertilization occurs. Just like estrogen-type hormones, progesterone is essential to a woman's life, both for her well-being and for her health.

The vibratory menstrual cycle

What if we discovered the menstrual cycle differently, without a medical vision, by connecting to our inner woman, our powerful woman and our wild woman. Indeed, without synthetic hormones in the body, the woman finds a natural menstrual cycle composed of 4 different emotional phases, just like the 4 main phases of a lunar cycle (full moon, increasing moon, new moon, decreasing moon).

Don't you find that at certain times of the month you feel more or less well, more or less fit, more or less tired? Many times, women force themselves to live in a linear way (like men) in order to please a patriarchal society that does not allow women to fully live their inner power.

  • The estrogenic phase becomes the girl's phase: quite often associated with the waxing moon, this time of the month defines the woman as full of energy, drive, vitality and plans.
  • The phase also called the Virgo phase - according to some authors - is a period of renewal, rebirth, enthusiasm and vivacitý of spirit. Indeed, it is the energy of the spring which buds and is reborn. Physically,the body deflates and then allows the woman to live her field of possibilities with all her self-confidence returning. Lighter and more dynamic, she lives this period with well-being and satisfaction of being at her full potential.
  • The ovulatory period becomes the mother phase: usually associated with the full moon, the mother phase corresponds to the expressive phase where the woman becomes the archetypal mother, with the desire to care for others, to take care of her family, children or friends. During this very special phase, the woman's personal needs and desires disappear in favor of the well-being of others. Indeed,ovulation is the gift of self, it is the link that unites us to the earth and to heaven.
  • The progestational phase becomes the phase of the enchantress: here we are in the waning lunar phase, a period that allows the woman to express her creativity through her inner power. Often associated with premenstrual syndrome (dreaded by many women), this period of the cycle "forces" the woman to listen to herself, to listen to her inner needs so that she can connect to herself. Moreover, this phase so precious is the time of the unconscious, it is the autumn. The woman, during this time of return to herself, should normally take a lot of time for herself, without children or family, to be able to listen deeply to herself, to be able to regenerate and stop being a super active superwoman. The woman should be able to stop for a while, during her cycle, to properly store the energies of previous cycles but also to prepare for a new cycle. But does society allow it?
  • The menstrual phase (of periods or even moons) becomes the phase of the witch. The new moon connects with the woman here to allow her to live a contemplative period, where she will allow herself not to be active in her life, imposing even more moments of withdrawal and rest. Indeed, menses are also a phase of introspection and return to oneself. Therefore, it is a time to step back from the world, to sleep and slow down even more physically, emotionally but also mentally. Although society does not allow women to take these few days off, we understand that it is absolutely necessary to adopt these moments of listening to oneself in order to allow ourselves to dream, to build, to project, to listen deeply but also to develop our intuition.

The vibratory menstrual cycle: a path of reconnection

When one stops the contraceptive pill, for health reasons or to reconnect with the woman in oneself, a period of adaptation of a few months will be necessary and essential to return to a natural state. Indeed, learning to listen to your body, to feel the rhythms, the movements, the physical sensations can take time. In addition, those around you will also need to be aware that something different will be put in place as the weeks go by. Indeed, when one feels from one day to the next new bodily but also emotional sensations, it can be surprising. Ladies, get ready to find the one that's just waiting to bloom but also to experience a roller coaster ride on your mood, vitality and overall energy.

Fortunately, natural remedies can accompany the woman in this almost initiatory path. Plants such as raspberry leaves, nettle, rosemary, ginger, milk thistle or rose flowers can, depending on their respective properties, provide both physical and emotional support to women.

In a role of detoxification of the body, nutrition, stabilization of mood or hormones, these plants are allies for the daily life of many women in contraceptive withdrawal. Obviously, meditation, yoga, spirituality or sharing through women's circles are so many activities that help women to find themselves, to belong fully through their female menstrual cycle.

Get off the pill!

Vanessa Colant 22 January, 2019
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