Disposable cotton swabs produce an enormous amount of waste to the point of becoming a real ecological scourge. Indeed, many of them are found in the oceans, on the beaches and in the bellies of large fish.... Now, plastic cotton swabs are banned in France and this, since January 1, 2018. And it is in the 0 waste movement that the LastSwab brand has created an alternative to the traditional cotton swab. Zoom on this revolutionary everyday object with eco-friendly ethics
Pourquoi produisons-nous du cérumen
We produce wax to protect the auditory canal from invasion by microorganisms or dust that could infect it. However, too much production can cause plugs. Cleaning your ears regularly is therefore part of hygiene and prevention measures. Here are some tips for taking care of your ears naturally :
For those who do not produce much wax, a daily wash in the shower with the help of your little finger (which is called the pinky, let's not forget!) is enough. Be sure to dry the inside of the canal before going outside at the risk of getting an ear infection.
For those who are prone to wax build-up: there is theOriculi LastSwab is a small spoon-shaped instrument with a rounded tip that cleans the ear canal without pushing earwax towards the eardrum. They come in metal or bamboo, the latter being compostable as soon as it reaches the end of its life. Cleanable after each use, they are convenient, effective, long-lasting and 0 waste!
The cotton swab whose tips are made of thermoplastic elastomer and the stem and case of recycled plastics from the oceans: the LastSwab . This new generation cotton swab alone can replace up to 1000 disposable cotton swabs!
« LastSwab, le 1er coton-tige réutilisable »
This is how LastSwab defines itself. Indeed, the LastSwab cotton swab does not get thrown away after use. Simply clean it with soap and water and then store it in its dedicated pouch. Practical and inexpensive, it is available in several colors (black, blue, red, peach, green...) so that each member of your family can have his own.
As the inventors say, this product is made to last. It has been thought out and designed to serve at least 1000 times! The planet thanks you...
Le lastSwab, comment ça marche ?
The LastSwab Cotton Swab has the same design as a classic cotton swab we all know. The only difference is that it's made of recycled plastic and thermoplastic elastomer. Its granular tip makes it easy to pick up earwax just like a traditional cotton swab would.
LastSwab, le nouveau coton-tige 0 déchet européen aux valeurs éco-responsables
LastSwab is a product designed by LastObject and comes straight from Denmark. The materials used are selected with care and attention following a demanding quality charter in terms of working conditions and respect for the environment.
It is true that there are cotton-tips made of cardboard or bamboo that seem eco-friendly. However, we must not forget that "the best waste is the one we do not produce". Thus, in aneco-responsible approach, it is perhaps more interesting to turn to 0 waste solutions by adopting reusable. Single-use products, although made of natural materials, still have an impact on the environment.
Mise en garde , on ne plaisante pas avec les oreilles !
Having clean ears is obviously important. However, we must not forget the primary role of wax which is to protect our ear canal from any external aggression. Too strict hygiene can have deleterious effects such as irritation of the canal, the eardrum or even a perforation of the latter. The above advice and recommendations are for prevention and apply only to everyday cases.
If you or your children are prone to earings, coughs on a regular basis, these events should not be taken lightly as more significant inconveniences may result: decreased hearing, ringing in the ears leading to difficulties in concentration and learning, loss of balance etc.... It will therefore be necessary to consult your doctor who will refer you to an ENT specialist who will take care of you properly.