The woman is by essence cyclic. Few of them know how to listen to themselves and accept this inner fluctuation. However, to live harmoniously, the woman must understand that, depending on the period of her cycle, it is normal not to be always at the top!
The woman is moody, yes is then?
Small societal fact: Even less than 100 years ago, the woman had no voice. Today, this one is waking up. In a predominantly male-driven world whose energy is linear, constant, action-driven, it is only natural that the cyclical side of women is still not well respected. The female energy changes with the menstrual cycle and those on hormonal contraception or menopausal women can reconnect to their nature under the influence of the various phases of the moon.
The female menstrual cycle in a nutshell.
- At the start of the cycle, the ovaries wake up and receive stimulation from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. They then secrete estrogen.
- Then comes ovulation. During this period, estrogen production increases dramatically. A hormonal spike (estrogen + LH) triggers the expulsion of the mature egg from the ovary.
- Then, during the pre-menstrual phase, the egg shell that remains empty in the ovary will secrete the hormone progesterone. Changes in the uterine lining occur and new mammary glands are created.
- Finally, hormone levels suddenly plummet and menses begin.This is the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one.
What if women allowed themselves to live according to their hormonal fluctuations...
More and more women are learning about themselves through the different phases of their cycle. Many women entrepreneurs now organize themselves according to their personal schedule. Indeed, depending on whether they are in the early cycle or premenstrual period, their vitality is not the same.
- Beginning of the cycle : spring. Energy and vitality are restored. Ideas emerge. Morale is good.
- Period ovulatory: summer. Peak activity. Energy and morale are at their peak, it's time to put ideas into action.
- Pre-menstrual period: fall. Energy is down, morale is at its lowest. Generally, it is during this phase that the woman feels bad (premenstrual syndrome), null...
- The Period: Winter. Period of rest and regeneration. It is interesting to take advantage of this phase to do soft and resourcing activities: reading, painting, gardening...
As said above, our society is not adapted to the pace of women. It is therefore difficult to respect one's inner tempo. However, becoming aware of this allows us to accept ourselves in all our complexity.
How does it work for women on hormonal contraception and postmenopausal women?
Women who are under the influence of synthetic hormones or who are menopausal can also reconnect to their cyclic nature. Just keep up with the lunar phases:
- Beginning of cycle: rising moon
- ovulation: full moon
- premenstrual period: waning moon
- the rules: new moon
The moon has always accompanied men and especially women. Feminine symbol, maternal and protective, it sets the tone for sowing, harvesting and births. Many traditional practices were governed by the different phases of the moon. Today, Man, completely disconnected from nature and blinded by his reassuring need for scientific proof, qualifies these practices as folklore, archaic or even superstition...
By reconnecting to the moon, women whose menstrual cycles are irregular or nonexistent reconnect with their changing, evolving, and sensitive nature.
To conclude: how to naturally accompany the cyclical nature of women.
Each menstrual phase corresponds to a hormonal secretion that will generate a specific behavior, a specific energy. To find inner harmony here are some plants adapted to the different stages:
- Early cycle/after period: rosemary, gingko, chamomile matricaria, nettle
- Ovulation: milk thistle, ginger, red clover
- Premenstrual: raspberry, chasteberry, yarrow, dandelion, lemon balm, angelica
- Menstrual: raspberry, mugwort, valerian
Plants to accompany :
- menopausal women: yam (ignam) and chaste tree (progesterone-like), sage, lemon balm
- Women on hormonal contraceptives: dandelion, milk thistle (liver drainers)