Is the vaccine sham a reality?

As far as vaccines are concerned, the swine flu vaccine is not the only one causing health problems, far from it. In fact, vaccination is a real sham that has been going on since Pasteur and that allows pharmaceutical companies to make colossal profits, which amount to billions, by providing the population with a product that has brought absolutely no reduction in mortality, quite the contrary, as they are currently suspected of increasing mortality rather than reducing it.


Vaccines do not solve the world's most important health problems. It is now known that the studies concerning the effectiveness of vaccines have been truncated, because the curves of the evolution of a disease are all Gauss curves.

Doctors who advocate vaccination intervene with the vaccine when the disease is at the highest peak of the curve. Thus, in order to make people believe in the benefits of vaccination, scientists show the general public only the last part of the curve, curves and diseases that would have decreased anyway, vaccination or not.

It must be kept in mind that vaccinations have been administered to populations without any real knowledge of the long-term side effects of these explosive chemical cocktails.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, the European authority on vaccines, states that the extent of the damage caused by vaccines has been insufficiently investigated and will only be truly known many years and generations from now. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancer cells, a technique that has never been used before," he says. If the information were made available in full transparency and if the population were informed of the real content of vaccines containing toxic solvents and additives and other diluted viruses or cancerous cells, would they be as willing to be vaccinated?

Let's remember that currently there are very few vaccinations that are really mandatory, i.e. governed by laws. Our right to health still belongs to us, let's take advantage of it, because we still have the right to refuse to be vaccinated.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 26 December, 2017
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