Santi-shop invites you
a magnificent yet unjustly unloved plant. This plant has long been
hunted down and banned from all green spaces... But recently, it has successfully
the "modernization of its image", as we say today.
today. It would seem that it has enlisted
the services of the best communications consultants, as more and more people
rediscovering its amazing properties. This plant is

Did you know that there is a a "nettle brotherhood" where each member must swear an oath of allegiance oath of allegiance on induction:
"Nettle! You who piqued my curiosity curiosity and revealed your virtues to me, I swear loyalty and assistance to you any place and at any time..."?
Nettle is the queen of wild plants. Legend has it that originally it was so famous for its virtues that everyone picked it. picked it. Threatened with extinction, she grew prickles to discourage men to discourage men... and to reserve its benefits for connoisseurs only. connoisseurs. If you had to pick just one plant it would be this one.
Nettle to heal joints, liver and bladder
Each of its parts is useful :
- racine,
- tive,
- leaves,
- flowers
- and seeds.
Nettle is a real miracle of nature. As for nettle stings, they're said to be for arthritis and rheumatism. or rheumatism. Simply place the leaves on the skin for 30 seconds, grit your teeth and out. Their effectiveness was established in 2000 by British researchers. As an herbal tea or balm, thenettle contains essential minerals essential minerals :
- sulfur,
- zinc and copper,
- calcium and potassium,
- but also silica...
all minerals that are good for your joints and bones. It is also an antioxidant, that is, it slows down oxidation in our bodies, which is responsible for cell aging of our cells.
What you need to know if you suffer from anaemia: nettles contains 3 times more iron than spinach and 7 times more vitamin C than oranges (this vitamin is involved in iron binding)! Nettle is also known for its draining and depurative effects, particularly for the liver and bladder. So it's THE plant to use in spring. spring.
We also recommend its use for all urinary tract problems. If you suffer suffer from recurrent cystitis for example, we recommend a course of nettle tea.
Good to know if you suffer from watery cellulite or circulation problems circulation problems: nettle is also believed to help water retention.
In short, nettle is so good for you that you should eat it at least once a week. at least once a week.
And then there's something magical about nettle Stinging nettle: in case of a sting, when picking up your nettles, you can rub with sorrel, mallow or plantain leaves. It's not uncommon to find these plants right next to the nettle. nettle. Isn't that proof that nature is well done?
How to recognize and pick nettles?
Here are a few things to know before before you go out picking:
1. Nettles tend to absorb what's in the soil, both good nutrients and harmful substances such as heavy metals.
- Be careful where you pick it.
- Avoid polluted areas (old dumps, disused factories, or those close to roads).
2. Pick only the young, light-green shoots (the first four leaves at the top of the stem). These are more tender and healthier.
3. You can pick nettles with your bare hands without stinging yourself (yes, I can assure you). Nettle stings face outwards.
If you "stroke the nettle in the right direction", it won't sting you. But if you're scared, just wear gloves.
4. Before you go picking, remember to take:
- a basket or cloth bag (never plastic), and
- than a knife or a pair of scissors.
- Long sleeves and pants are also safer.
5. And here's another tip for having young shoots all year round: young shoots appear in spring, but if you cut them as they grow, you'll have them all year round. Clever!
Nettle balm for your joints
To preserve your nettles, the is to dry them for 3 to 4 days (without exposing them to sunlight), then then place them in an airtight jar away from light. light. This way, you'll have reserves to make your own herbal teas all year round.
For a nettle cure infuse a handful of dried leaves (20-30 g) in a liter of water and drink three cups a day (before each meal) for three weeks.
As a precaution, it is best to avoid in cases of low blood pressure , as its diuretic effect can have a hypotensive hypotensive effect. It should also be avoided when taking anticoagulants anticoagulants, renal insufficiency and excess iron.
To massage your aching joints I suggest you make a balm.
Here's a simple recipe passed on to me by a naturopath:
- Melt some coconut coconut oil in a saucepan over very low heat.
- Add a good handful chopped fresh nettles, and leave to infuse for at least 30 minutes, stirring stirring regularly (always over very low heat).
- Strain (using a paper filter or fine cloth), pour into a jar and leave to cool.
Nettle and cooking, do you know the nettle muffin?
If you have fresh leaves use them in your dishes. You don't have to be a professional to use nettle. Nettle is simple to prepare and can be and can be incorporated into a wide range of dishes. To avoid stinging your tongue, simply cook simply cook it whole or chopped, either in boiling water or in a little in a little olive oil.
Then all you have to do potée, quiche, gratin or soup with potatoes. potatoes. Visit nettle leaves can be cooked in any sauce. Since they have very similar to spinach, that's how they're most often eaten. eaten that way.
For the curious, here are the nettle and parmesan muffins. Delicious!

Nettle muffin recipe:
1. Chop two large handfuls of fresh nettles and fry for a few minutes in a little olive oil.
2. Mix with:
- two eggs,
- 100 g Parmesan cheese,
- 150 g vegetable cream (soy, oat or rice),
- 40 g flour of your choice (rice, small spelt)
- and a pinch of salt
3. Pour into a silicone muffin tin and bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes (watching from time to time).
And there you have it!