Fructose increases your hunger and makes you eat more.....

One thing is certain, we eat too much sugar! Most people think that all sugars are used in a similar way by the body, but this is not the case! Fructose is an added sugar in most industrial foods. The most common form added is corn syrup which has a very high fructose content.

The new scientific investigation methods clearly show that among the sugars, fructose is one of the least good because it causes changes in the transmission of cerebral information. These changes can lead to obesity, among other things.

Le fructose, un sucre mauvais pour la santé 

It is now known that when we consume a drink containing fructose, the brain does not express the feeling of satiety, as it does when we consume simple glucose.
What is worrying is that by disrupting and inhibiting signals from the hypothalamus and the hormonal secretions of insulin, leptin and ghrelin, fructose can make us hungry. This is not the case with glucose, which induces a feeling of satiety within 15 minutes after the start of absorption.

Avec le fructose, puisque le sentiment de faim perdure, la personne continue de manger puisque le désir de manger subsiste. Actuellement, même certains endocrinologues de renom s’inquiètent de ce phénomène qui favorise l’ingestion excessive de nourriture et par conséquent, le gain de poids.

Le fructose responsable de la graisse viscérale

Il faut savoir que le fructose est transformé et engraisse le foie beaucoup plus rapidement que l’est n’importe quel autre sucre. Ce sucre serait en partie responsable de la fameuse graisse viscérale qui s’accumule dans la région abdominale autour des organes vitaux et qui est associée à un risque accru de maladie cardiaque.

Glucose is the main fuel for our brain and all the cells in our body, so most of the glucose consumed is eliminated. Thus, at equivalent load, the liver metabolizes only 20% of glucose, while it metabolizes 100% of the amount of fructose ingested. This process is very energy consuming for the body and generates a lot of waste and toxins, such as a large amount of uric acid, which can lead to tissue acidity and gout or blood pressure.

Moreover, a large part of the fructose will be transformed into free fatty acids (a lipidic form that is detrimental to excess cholesterol) and triglycerides that will be stored as fat. The calculation is simple, when you eat 120 calories of glucose, less than one calorie is stored as fat, while 120 calories of fructose will lead to a storage of 40 calories of fat.

Fructose et glucose, quelle est la différence ?

During the metabolism of fructose, fatty acids in your liver and skeletal muscle tissues can lead to insulin resistance or hepatic steatosis even without alcohol intake. It is clear that insulin resistance sets the stage for the development of prediabetes and subsequently diabetes.

L’ingestion de glucose inhibe la sécrétion de ghréline (hormone de la faim) et stimule celle de leptine, qui freine l’appétit. Par contre, le fructose n’exerce aucun effet sur la ghréline et il interfère sur les signaux de communication cérébrale en lien avec la leptine, empêchant la perception du sentiment de satiété. Il est bien évident que ce n’est pas le fructose seul qui est responsable des excès de poids de plus en plus fréquent dans nos populations. Cependant, le fait d’éviter les aliments qui en contiennent peut favoriser le maintien d’une belle ligne.

Fructose et surpoids, quel est le lien ?

Mis à part ce problème de surpoidsApart from this problem of excess weight, the consequences of fructose ingestion on health are enormous and unsuspected. Recent studies count more than thirty diseases and health problems related to it. Especially since fructose is in most cases extracted from transgenic corn. We develop the consequences of GMOs in other articles. This has been well demonstrated recently by Professor Gilles-Éric Seralini through the making of his film "Tous cobayes".

The range of consequences of fructose consumption is very wide. It ranges from food allergies to increased risk of infertility in future generations, degenerative diseases and cancer.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 17 December, 2017
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