What if my bad mood wasn't just emotional?

Naturopathy is based on 5 main principles that are well known to naturopathic practitioners and some naturopathic clients. Vitalism, hygienism, causalism, holism, and humorism. Each of these 5 pillars has an importance in holistic coaching. But understanding humor has a special place at this time of year. You will quickly understand why...

I'm in a bad mood.

"I'm in a bad mood", "you're in a good mood today" or "I'm in a bad mood". We use these well-known expressions almost every day. So, do you know the precise meaning of the word "mood"? What connection ultimately exists between our emotional state - our mood - and naturopathy? Although naturopathy is also concerned with the emotional state of the person, the explanation is not there.

Let's see:

What are moods?

In naturopathy, the humours are seen as the different liquids that make up our body. Blood, lymph, intra and extra cellular fluids. As you know, 2/3 of our body is composed of liquids that have specific and particular functions. Namely to nourish our cells, our body, and therefore our organism. If these liquids - these humours - are clogged, polluted or intoxicated, then we run towards an organic clogging. The latter will then inevitably lead us to illness in the short or medium/long term.

Also, when we get up in a "bad mood", perhaps there is a link to be made between our emotional well-being of the moment and the state of our moods, therefore of our humoral liquids. Indeed, if our bodies are clogged, then an impact on our emotional health is inevitable. Have you ever noticed that a person who has just experienced a detoxification is better in his body but also in his head and therefore, will probably be in a "better mood"?

When we work on restoring our moods, we allow our vital energy to increase and more easily regain health, fitness, energy, drive and passion may have been lost or erased for a while. Humor is a key in naturopathy because it really helps to restore homeostasis and help the body deal with cellular and metabolic dysfunction.

Clean up your moods.

Obviously, one does not practice such a cleaning alone, at home, with only advice read here and there on the internet. Indeed, the drainage and detox must be taken seriously and be accompanied by a naturopath or a doctor because there are different phases to take into consideration, including the preparatory phase which is essential for the success of a good work on the moods.

In the fall...

Autumn is already here and of course, it is a very appropriate time to clean our emunctories (the eliminatory organs of the body) and thus to the release of our moods. Indeed, each season has its own cycle and its own needs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, autumn will be a season more focused on the drainage of the large intestine and the lungs.

To carry out such a cure, there are a number of methods that must be personalized and adapted to each person, such as: purges, phytotherapy through the draining action of plants, diets (be careful, we are not here with the objective of losing weight), accompanying energetic treatments, sports activities, etc. Talk to your health practitioner so that he/she can guide you towards the best method that will correspond to your terrain, your needs and your temperament

In the modern world we live in, it is almost inconceivable to be totally pure day after day because even the air we breathe clogs us up. Therefore, adopting the healthiest lifestyle possible allows you to limit the damage while offering seasonal cleansing cures to restore the soil.


I hope you are in a good mood all day.

Vanessa Colant 6 October, 2018
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