How to use an essential oil diffuser

Les essential oils can be used through the olfactory pathway: this is called olfactotherapy. They can be inhaled or diffused with the help of a device. 

Un essential oil diffuser must be used wisely. 

Here are some tips on how to use your essential oil diffuser.

What are the instructions for using an essential oil diffuser?

Essential oil diffusers have a specific mode of use for each model.

They should be used properly for several reasons:

  • so that the essential oils that you use have optimal efficiency;

  • to avoid taking risks with an inappropriate distribution;

  • to avoid wasting some essential oils valuable ;

  • to avoid damaging your diffuser and prolong its life.
essential oil diffuser

It is therefore important to understand how to use your diffuser before using it.

There are many models of essential oil diffusersAll of them have a specific operating mode. It is therefore essential to read the instructions carefully before using them.

What are the tips for using your diffuser?

There are many models of essential oil diffusersAll of them have a specific operating mode. It is therefore essential to read the instructions carefully before using them.

The different models of diffusers:

  • The dry diffuser, by nebulization: is the most widespread. It has a glass container in which the spray is poured directly. essential oils (about 1 teaspoon). It is easy to use, but must be cleaned regularly.

  • There are also ultra-fogging diffusers: more sophisticated and programmable, for larger rooms.

  • The misting diffuser : works with water. The essential oils are sprayed in a mist with the fine droplets of water. It is generally recommended to use between 5 and 10 drops of essential oil.

 This model is interesting to humidify a room, but can alter your surfaces (be careful with your fragile furniture). 

  • The fan diffuser: is very easy to use and robust, but it is only effective for small spaces, or for personal use. It is interesting to use in a room.

  • The diffuser by soft heat: of type electric pebble, is cheap and quiet. It is also to be reserved for small spaces. It is interesting to diffuse a pleasant smell or for an anti-insect action, but less effective for therapeutic purposes. 

How to maintain your diffuser?

Un essential oil diffuser should be maintained regularly, usually once or twice a month. Some diffusers can be cleaned with alcohol, others can be cleaned dry. Read the instructions for your device to clean it properly.

Do not use vegetable oils in your diffuser, they are too viscous and can clog the pipes. Citrus essences should only be used in a mixture, as they also tend to clog the devices. 

Use only essential oils suitable for diffusion.

Do not overheat an essential oil


Beyond 60°C, an essential oil loses its properties. It is thus important not to heat it too much and to use an adapted device if one wants to use an essential oil in diffusion.

An essential oil deposited on a heat source (radiator, light bulb...) may be ineffective.

For this reason, it is also recommended to buy a quality diffuser, which heats the essential oils at a gentle temperature, or even diffuse them cold.

A cheap diffuser may not last as long and may render the essential oils ineffective by heating them to over 60°C.

How long does it last? 

As with any use of essential oils, you are advised not to use the essential oils in continuous broadcasting over time. 

For a therapeutic use: it is advised to use them over a period of one week, spaced out by three weeks of pause.

For a "recreational" use or in prevention against diseases, it is also advised to keep a break of 10 days every 10 days of use.

Over a day: it is advised to use your diffuser for 20 to 30 minutes, two to three times a day.

In a space receiving the public, in prevention, we can go up to 10 minutes per hour.

In a room: it is advisable to diffuse essential oils for 10 minutes maximum, half an hour before bedtime (and never during sleep). 

If you want to use your essential oil diffuser At night (anti-insects for example), choose an appropriate device, with ultrasound or ventilation for example.

Whether you diffuse at home or in a space receiving the public, especially fragile people, it is advisable to apply certain precautions of use.

Children and essential oil diffusers
The diffusion can be an interesting therapeutic means with the children, because they benefit, through the olfactory way, of the virtues of essential oils, without forcing them to apply them or to swallow them. However, diffusion should be avoided with babies under three months of age.

The diffuser should also be kept out of reach of curious little hands: risks of ingestion, handling of essential oils or burns! 

The diffusion of essential oils is best done when children are out of the room, especially in a bedroom.

Fragile people
Some essential oils are strictly forbidden to be diffused, because they can be neurotoxic or irritating for the respiratory tract. 

Others are not recommended for people with epilepsy, asthma or convulsions. This is the case of essential oils rich in 1,8-cineole, an epileptogenic molecule.

Thus, if you have in your family, or that you welcome in your space of the asthmatic or epileptic persons, avoid to diffuse essential oils of eucalyptus radiata, en peppermint, en noble laurel, en ravintsara and green myrtle in particular.

The pets

Some odors in diffusion can bother your pets, especially cats and dogs who have a more developed sense of smell than ours. 

  • Avoid placing the diffuser near their favorite places, and make sure they can leave the room if the smell bothers them. 
  • Pay attention to their reaction during the broadcast. If they seem uncomfortable, it is best to stop the broadcast.
cat and diffuser

To be effective and safe, a diffuser of essential oils must be used correctly. It is therefore essential to read the instructions of your diffuser and to respect these few precautions before diffusing.

Brasil Maria 23 March, 2023
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