Colloidal silver, an alternative to antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is a fact that is currently of great concern to WHO. The Organization, moreover, created GLASS in late 2015, an international surveillance program for antibacterial resistance in which some 50 countries (including France ) participate.

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, but when used improperly or too much, they cause the germs to mutate, making the treatments completely ineffective.

According to a 2015 departmental report, "160,000 patients acquire an infection with a so-called multidrug-resistant germ each year, and nearly 13,000 patients die directly from it." It is therefore urgent to look at alternative solutions that have already proven themselves.

One such solution is Colloidal Silver. Let's see in the next lines, what are the interests to revive this formula formerly used to prevent and cure various diseases.

Colloidal Silver: its composition and mode of action

 Colloidal Silver is a colorless, liquid ionic solution in which extra pure water and silver microparticles are mixed. Before the discovery of penicillin andantibiotics, silver was commonly used to treat infections. In the days when water was not always of good quality, a silver coin was put into a pitcher to make it drinkable. An oxidation catalyst, it opposes the development of germs and is a powerful bactericide.

Silver microparticles measuring less than a nanometer pass easily the membrane barrier of bacteria to neutralize their toxicity. Moreover, its colloidal form makes it perfectly bio-assimilable without risk of overdose.

Properties and use of Colloidal Silver

The whole point of colloidal silver lies in its antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and especially as an antibiotic, without the side effects of the latter when they are synthetic (alteration of the intestinal microbiota, notable resistance of certain bacteria ...).

Forbidden in France for internal use and not recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding women, colloidal silver can nevertheless be of great help in the following cases

  • Help to clean, disinfect and soothe a skin Injured,damaged, scratched, chapped, affected by fungus, eczema or psoriasis. To do this, apply a few sprays ofthis solution directly to the skin with a cotton ball.
  • Diluted in mouthwashIt can relieve and prevent mouth ulcers, fungal diseases, odontological problems (bleeding gums, abscesses, periodontitis, etc. ...) and in gargle for all throat diseases (pharyngitis, tonsillitis ...).
  • For concerns of sinusitis or rhinitis repeatedly, spray a few drops directly into the nostrils. You can also perform an enema with a lota in which you dilute a teaspoon of colloidal silver in a little water at room temperature.
  • A few drops in the ears to soothe any irritation, inflammation or infection.
  • If you have vaginal disease (inflammation, fungus, infection), you can perform vaginal enemas with a teaspoon of colloidal silver diluted in a little water.

Other fields of application of Colloidal Silver

In addition, it is interesting to know that colloidal silver can accompany you in your household chores During sterilization of surfaces (countertop, toilet, bathroom) and equipment. However, please do not put it in contact with metal utensils.

In the veterinary field, it is quite possible to use colloidal silver to disinfect a wound or clean an oozing eye or ears. 

Small tip (and not the least!), to "save" your favorite plant, spray some of this preparation on the leaves contaminated bybacteria, parasites and fungi. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of colloidal silver into the water.

Colloidal silver has proven itself for centuries and is making a strong comeback in recent years. One of its greatest interests is that the various germs it attacks do not developany resistance.

However, it is important to pay close attention to its quality: it should be colorless or even golden, but in no case brown. Its method of manufacture must also be checked as well as its silver concentration (from 6mg/l to 30mg/l). As for its storage, it should be in a tinted glass bottle, away from heat and light.

In closing, I would like to emphasize that the advice presented above is in no way a substitute for amedical consultation or any treatment ordered by your doctor.

Alexia Bernard 15 February, 2019
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