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Citrus Hand and Nail Cream
7.00 € 7.00 €
Protects nails and nourishes dry, rough hands.
Natural nail polish remover - Organic
5.00 € 5.00 €
Nail polish remover without acetone
Base Coat - Vegan
14.90 € 14.90 €
A natural base coat to protect the nails.
Top Coat - Vegan
14.90 € 14.90 €
A top-coat that protects the varnish longer and intensifies its color.
Nail polish "Receive" - Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish in a pearl pink color.
Nail polish "Hustle" - Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish in red berries color.
Nail polish "Courageous" - Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A taupe-colored "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish.
Nail Polish "Successful" - Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish in a cherry red color.
Nail polish "Confident" - Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A raspberry-colored "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish.
Nail Polish "Believe" -Bio
12.90 € 12.90 €
A "vegan & cruelty-free" nail polish with a slightly pinkish transparent color.
Nail Polish cherry red
4.00 € 4.00 €
Nail Polish my secret
4.00 € 4.00 €
Nail Polish Mystery
4.00 € 4.00 €
Nail Polish wild orchid
4.00 € 4.00 €
Nail Polish vintage red
4.00 € 4.00 €
Nail Polish sharp rosé
4.00 € 4.00 €
Organic Cotton Wool Pads x 70
2.80 € 2.80 €
Bel Nature's Make-up Remover Discs are the ideal choice for gentle, thorough make-up removal, whether you soak them in water or lotion.