Would you eat your yoga mat or the foam rubber in your shoes?

It is really important to reduce our exposure to environmental toxins, as scientific studies are increasingly showing that even low doses of these molecules can cause serious health problems. The toxins around us almost all affect our endocrine system. And if they act at very low doses, we must remember that our whole body also functions thanks to minute doses of hormones and neuromediators without which we could not live.

Everyone has heard of BPA (Bisphenol A) which is just one of many endocrine disruptors.

Azodicarbonamide (ADA) or azoformamide is listed in Europe as E927a. It is currently banned in all countries except North America. It was used as a conditioner for cereal dough (leavening dough), it was used against aging and for bleaching flours. The amount used should not exceed 2.05 grams per 50 kg of flour (0.0045% = 45 ppm).


This same additive is used as a blowing agent to improve the elasticity of yoga mats, shoe rubbers, and other materials like synthetic leather.

Ingested, it is obviously very dangerous, but contamination by touch is also real. Our skin is the most extensive sense organ in the body. When in contact with such products, the toxic particles migrate through the skin. They then enter the bloodstream. They could be the cause of hyperactivity, insomnia, asthma or poor assimilation of vitamin E. But more seriously, in the long term they can trigger chronic diseases such as cancer.

A report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that this additive is still used by very large brands in nearly 500 foods (breads, baguettes, tortillas, hamburgers and hot dogs, buns, pizzas, pastries, etc.) in the United States.

In the U.S., a consumer group has circulated a petition calling for a ban on the additive for food use.

The preservative E236 or formic acid and its derivatives are considered carcinogenic and toxic for the kidneys. Banned in many countries, including France and Belgium. However, it is still used in the cheese "Provolone"...

It is also used in the pharmacomedical and cosmetic sector, but also in the textile industry, solvents...

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA - E320) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT - E321) are two food additives that protect fatty foods from oxidation. They are therefore used as food preservatives and used in cosmetics. Classified as carcinogens in California, they are banned in some countries such as Japan where there are concerns about their toxicity and estrogenic activity. However, they are still found in some food packaging, and also in some prepared foods.

Suspected of having carcinogenic effects and disrupting sex hormones

it has been found to induce a decrease in fertility in several animal species. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women or young children. They are said to induce hyperactivity, asthma, urticaria, insomnia, liver disorders and cancer. They have been found to cause a decrease in fertility in several animal species.

Shellac or Shellac Resin, E904 is also a food glazing agent.

The shellac

It is a polyester resin obtained from a resinous secretion of the insect Laccifer (Tachardia) lacca Kerr (Fam. Coccidae). Bleached shellac is obtained by dissolving the lake in aqueous sodium carbonate. It is then bleached with sodium hypochlorite, i.e. bleach (another endocrine disruptor). This bleached lake is then precipitated in a dilute solution of sulfuric acid, and then dried.

It is authorized in unlimited quantities (quantum satis) on confectionery (decorations), in chewing gums, fresh fruits and vegetables, food supplements, coffees, teas and infusions ... This substance has uses as varied as cosmetics, pharmaceutical tablets and capsules, food or lacquers and varnishes, sealing waxes, inks, old phonographic records, paper pulp or leather finishes.

All the additives from E214 (ethyl P-hydroxybenzoate) to E219 (sodium methyl P-hydroxybenzoate) are derived from E210 benzoic acid, i.e. benzene, a molecule resulting from petrochemistry. This family of parabens acts as food preservatives. These chemical preservatives are toxic and have nothing to do with the natural sources contained in some plants.

Under the code E284 hides the (ortho) boric acid recognized as a dangerous preservative used in caviar and in some mouthwashes. It has many industrial uses and is used in everyday consumer products as a biocide, including personal care products and cosmetics. It is also present in plastic toys, adhesives, lubricants and in the HPV vaccine.

The INRS (an occupational health and safety monitoring agency) notes, "The developing fetus and testes are the primary targets of boric acid in many species.

When we analyze this list more closely, we can say that in the name of "progress", we are really made to swallow anything....

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 2 December, 2014
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