Wheatgrass and barley juice: your health allies

Wheatgrass and barley juices are an inexhaustible source of benefits for the body. True superfoods, the grass juice of these cereals is a nutritional bomb without gluten. Zoom on their interest, their benefits and their respective uses. 

Barley and wheat grass, where does it come from?

First of all, the grass in these cereals comes from sprouted seeds that are put in the ground and then cultivated in full light while they become young shoots. After a dozen days, when the grass has reached the height of a small lawn, it is harvested and then put through the extractor. It is when it is in full growth that it contains a large quantity of phytonutrients such as :

  • carotenoids

  • polyphenols

  • chlorophyll

  • sulphur compounds

 Ainsi, l'herbe d'orge et de blé constituent une source intéressante d'anti-oxydants et anti-inflammatoires naturels. L'ensemble de ses nutriments lui confère le rôle de superaliment dans la protection contre certains cancers ainsi que cofacteur de nombreuses vitamines. 

The chlorophyll benefits of barley grass and wheat juice

Barley juices concentrate a chlorophyll content that is such that it stimulates the formation of hemoglobin and greatly improves blood circulation and thus cell oxygenation. 

In botanical biology, cholorophyll allows the conversion of carbon dioxide into oxygen and thus into energy for the plant thanks to sunlight.

In humans, it acts on the formation of hemoglobin but not only! It purifies the blood and cleanses the organs. It is a must for detox cures. It will dislodge the toxins before evacuating them. 

What is in barley and wheatgrass juice?

The juices of these two grains are concentrated in enzymes, hormones and phytonutrients, making them immune system boosters.

Also included are:

  • Provitamine A.
  • B vitamins, including B12, so precious and so sought after by vegetarians and vegans

  • Vitamine C.

  • vitamin E.

  • in barley: vit K (anticoagulant), B1, B3, B6, B9, B12

  • Dans le blé : vitamine B17 (laetreile) au pouvoir anti-cancer. calcium, potassium, magnésium, fer, cuivre, phosphore, sélénium... 

L'herbe de blé renferme 92 éléments sur les 118 connus.

Femme avec gros plan sur ses mains qui tiennent un verre avec boisson verte et une paille verte

Orge et blé : les bienfaits des jus d'herbe

In order to fully benefit from the remineralizing power of wheat and barley, it is essential to chew the juice before swallowing it. Indeed, the insalivation will make it possible to start to degrade the grass and to assimilate the various nutrients.

It contains 8 essential amino acids. 

  • Stabilize blood sugar levels 

  • Anti-inflammatory action.

  • Wheatgrass contains vitamin B-17, otherwise known as laetreile, which has a significant anti-cancer power. 

  • L'herbe d'orge quant à elle est un antioxydant très puissant

  • Elle est une excellente source de vitamine K, elle est donc à consommer avec modération pour toutes les personnes qui sont sous traitement anticoagulant.

  • strengthens the immune system

  • increases vitality

  • helps to lose weight

  • Purificatrice.

  • Régénérante.

  • remineralizing

  • Détoxifiante.

  • Protective against cancer

  • fights anemia

  • fight against contispation.

  • Alcalinisant.

Why consume wheatgrass and barley juice?

At first glance, consuming grass juices is not very pleasant especially since our digestive system is not that of a ruminant... The juices make the wheatgrass and barley digestible and above all bioavailable. Micronutrients are thus directly assimilated by our body. 

Producing homemade juices is quite possible, only the constraint is that they oxidize quickly and must be consumed as soon as prepared. Not to mention that growing seedlings at home requires a dozen days and a certain amount of practical organization to carry out the cultivation. In order to remedy this constraint, you can bet on barley grass and wheat grass juice powder from Purasana brand which are extremely easy to use.

How to use cereal grass juice? 

The barley and wheat grass juices are green juices. You can consume them as is, from a dehydrated powder that will have been diluted in a glass of water, a smoothie or a homemade vegetable juice. 

The dosage: add one to two teaspoons per day to a glass of water or fresh vegetable juice made. Consume on an empty stomach or away from meals. During your drainage cure in autumn and/or spring, you can increase the dose gradually.

The most interesting thing is to use it as a cure at the change of season. If this is your first experience and you are quite high in toxins, it is best to start with small doses. Indeed, a curative crisis (nausea, headaches, pimples, exacerbated pain ...) could be likely to invite itself ...

It is important to understand that wheatgrass and barley juice are not a substitute for a meal. They are superfoods, dietary supplements that should be consumed as part of a healthy, balanced diet rich in raw or minimally cooked fruits and vegetables. 

Alexia Bernard 21 August, 2020
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