What are the symptoms and treatments of otitis?

Otitis is an infection and inflammation of the ear. Young children are most frequently affected by this disease, but it is not uncommon in adults. Accompanied by pain, although sometimes painless, ear infections require examination by a physician. Left untreated, it can cause anomalous hearing function.

There are several typesof ear infections, the most common of which isacute otitis media or OMA. It can also be found in several levels of the ear, including the middle ear, inner ear and outer ear. Find in this article the symptoms and treatments of ear infection.

The different forms and symptoms of otitis in the outer ear

For a general anatomy, the ear is divided into 3 major parts including :

  • The outer ear formed by the pinna and the outer ear canal.
  • The middle ear composed of the tympanum and 3 ossicles
  • The inner ear consisting of the cloaca and the vestibule

When the inflammation is in theouter ear, it is the outer ear. At this level, the diseased ear has inflammation of the auditory canal, the origin of which is bacterial. Most of the time, this disease occurs because of the use of too frequent use of cotton buds. It is also common among bathers. Indeed, when the auditory canal remains wet for a long time, the defense mechanism of the ear is disturbed. There are 3 types of otitis externa:

  • Isolated diffuse external otitis whose symptoms are characterized by itching, redness, and mild pain in the ear canal.
  • Severe external otitischaracterized by narrowing of the duct accompanied by severe pain and discharge, leading to fever.
  • The focused external ostitis which manifests as a duct boil and causes very severe pain.  

Other forms of ear infections

Inflammation of the auditory system can also occur in the middle ear, called acute middle earitis or OMA. The origin of the disease can be bacterial, but also viral. Most often, it follows a rhinopharyngitis which travels into the ear through the Eustachian tube. In general, symptoms of middle ear inflammation are characterized by pain, decreased hearing, fever and purulent discharge. There are two forms of acute otitis media:

  • Congestive: inflammation of the eardrum, not bulging and without discharge.
  • Purulent: inflammation of the eardrum and bacterial superinfection accompanied by purulent discharge into the tympanic fundus that may be bulging or perforated.

Chronic otitis media

The middle ear may also be affected by chronic middle ear or OCM with open eardrum. It is a form of long-term infection of the middle part of the ear. A tympanic tear occurs when the eustachian tube no longer performs its normal function of pressure balance and protection from infectious agents.

When anotitis of the AOM type is not treated effectively, CMO takes place. People with allergic terrain who have prolonged nasopharyngitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, or large vegetations, are at greatest risk for CMO.

Serous otitis

Serous otitisaffects many children before the age of 8. It is a form of inflammation of the ear, but is asymptomatic. However, this disease is not as benign as it seems. Indeed, it can lead to deafness. A yellow serous fluid is secreted in the back of the eardrum, which is not purulent but rather a glue.

The different causes of otitis

While nasopharyngitis is known to be the main cause of ear infection in children, there may be other reasons for adults.

Otitis in newborns 

AOM is the most common form of ear infection in infants and young children. Newborns can easily contract this disease, as their immune system is still very weak. This makes them a breeding ground for rhinitis or nasopharyngitis.

It is also important to know that the Eustachian tube of infants is shorter and horizontal. This leads to accelerated bacterial or viral migration in the auditory system in case of a cold. In addition, the reflux gastroesophageal, allergies, pacifier, bottle feeding in a lying position, cleft palate are among the cases that favor the onset of ear infection in toddlers.

Otitis in children

otitis in children

As children get older, the risk of the onset of ear inflammation is lower.The cold is the origin of this inflammation, most famously in children. They can also get AOM from frequent swimming. Passive smoking may also cause this disease. Some children experience inflammation of the auditory system after traveling by air.

Otitis in adults

While acute otitis media is the most common case seen in children, adults are more prone to otitis externa. Inflammation is due to skin conditions, contact allergies, use of cotton swabs, the earwax plugs.

Appropriate treatments

otitis treatment

To effectively treat inflammation of the auditory system, it is advisable to be examined by an ENT specialist. Analgesics and antibiotics are, in general, the treatments prescribed by doctors to treat otitis. However, for inflammation of the ear that is viral in origin, antibiotic administration is not really necessary. Physicians only prescribe antibiotics when there is a sign of spanning.

In newborns and children, it is important to do frequent cleaning of the nose with saline or seawater solutions. Ear drops can also be prescribed, especially for otitis externa. The paracentesis is also a way to get rid of the infection in the ear. It is a small surgery that involves incising the eardrum in order to drain the purulent fluids secreted from the middle ear. Doctors often use this method during a CMO.



Marie Dupont 6 June, 2019
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