Understand your back to heal it

More and more frequently, back pain is impacting the daily lives of a large portion of the population. Whether the back pain is due to nervous or physical tension, an emotional or physical blockage or due to poor posture, solutions must be found to relieve but also to heal a person who suffers sometimes every day. Once the source of the problem has been identified, treatments and solutions can sometimes seem easier. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, we suffer from these pains on a daily basis without really finding an origin.

Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and arthritis are the words that come up most often in medical consultations, because they are the most common pathologies for which it is easy to provide medical treatment. Nevertheless, many people still live with pain that is sometimes unbearable on a daily basis, despite the treatments and follow-ups that are offered.

Treating back pain, whether acute or chronic, is a comprehensive task that requires a global investment on the part of the patient as well as the various doctors and therapists. The objectives and follow-ups must be progressive: firstly, to relieve the pain and, secondly, to find an answer, an origin, a deep cause, in order to finally heal the person who is suffering.

Over the decades, pathologies have been decoded by different doctors or health practitioners and it is thanks to these profound studies that we generally discover and understand the cause of our pain and discomfort: metaphysical study, total biology or decoding, so many terms for the same result. In fact, if you put your finger on a problem, it often subsides faster than expected.

Michel Odoul informs us about lumbago: "When we are going through a period in our lives where we have difficulty accepting or integrating the changes that occur, our lumbar vertebrae and lumbago express our unconscious fear or refusal. This is because they often upset our habits or our reference points, which is sometimes difficult to accept without "tension", even if these changes have been chosen or suit us.

Claudia Rainville speaks about back pain - back region - : this pain often expresses boredom, loneliness or the difficulty to communicate our feelings. One does not feel recognized, nor supported emotionally and one can be very afraid of being abandoned. For the lumbar regions, on the other hand, the pain is often associated with anger because we do not feel emotionally supported.

Even Lise Bourbeau, a famous author and speaker, has studied the subject. Her opinions on back pain are varied but she remains unanimous on the need for a person who suffers from such pain to love himself fully and to accept his fears of the moment.

Other authors and specialists also express themselves on the vast subject of the back and each will have their own vision of the different situations.

How to find your way around? Simply by listening to your body, accepting your history while highlighting the different passages of your life. To be in agreement with one's own choices of thoughts and actions is an obvious way to be in tune with oneself on the road to health. Listening to your body is not innate and unfortunately you are not born with an explanatory manual. Moreover, it is a daily work that requires a personal investment, through mindfulness, for example.

This metaphysical study of pain does not in any way replace a complete medical follow-up with a doctor or a natural health therapist, physiotherapist, osteopath, etc... Nevertheless, understanding where one's pain comes from often accelerates healing.

Vanessa Colant 23 October, 2017
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