It's winter illness season:
rhume, grippe, bronchite, laryngite, pharyngite, angine…
These diseases are often accompanied by often have a warning sign: a sore throat.
Here is what I recommend if you feel that your throat starts to sting or be painful:
- Prepare a poultice by making a paste withgreen clay powder and warm water.
- Add 1 drop ofoil essential oil of fine lavender (with analgesic and calming properties) or d'essential oil of thyme (with antibacterial, anti infectious and antimicrobial properties).
- Place this paste on a clean gauze or cloth or a clean cloth and apply it to the throat.
- At the first tingling sensation put a scarf around the clay poultice to intensify its action.
Leave the poultice in place for about ten minutes minutes; you will feel the effects instantly!
Vous pouvez renouveler cette opération plusieurs fois dans la journée.