Stop spring allergies
Natural allergy tips

An allergy is an excessive reaction of the immune system against a substance foreign to the body, called the allergen. This reaction against the non-self is normal. What is pathological, however, is the hyper-reaction.

The different types of allergy

Airborne allergens are called pneumallergens, while those absorbed by the mouth and then digested are called trophallergens. There are two forms of allergy: immediate and delayed:
- Immediate allergy is triggered immediately after contact with the allergen.
- Delayed allergy takes longer to develop. It begins 6 to 12 hours after contact with the allergen, reaching its peak 24 to 48 hours later.

Allergy: a hyper-reaction of the immune system

An allergy is a hyper-reaction of the immune system to one or more allergens. Physical manifestations include itching, local or generalized inflammation, irritation, discomfort and even suffocation. Allergy is triggered when a person has a genetic predisposition and comes into direct or indirect contact with the allergen. The allergic process then unfolds in 2 stages:

- Sensitization Sensitization: this is the first contact with the allergenic substance. The body activates Th2 lymphocytes (white blood cells), which in turn activate B lymphocytes. The latter then release IgE antibodies (immunoglobulin E), which attach themselves to mast cells (immune cells) on the skin and mucous membranes.
- Trigger : the immune system encounters the allergen for the second time, activating the release of histamine and other inflammatory molecules by mast cells. This is the allergic reaction.

The role of microbiota in allergic reactions studied by science

One of the main functions of the intestinal microbiota is to modulate the immune response. It is now widely accepted that the quality and diversity of intestinal bacteria is a guarantee of good health. Starting from this premise, researchers have studied the effects of intestinal flora on the appearance or absence of allergic phenomena. A team from'INSERM. presented in their September 24, 2018 release a study conducted in mice that shows a relationship between " a virus detection system, the composition of the gut microbiota and the development of skin allergies."
Indeed: "Several types of epidemiological data suggest a link between changes in the composition of this intestinal microbiota or flora and the development of allergic diseases, including eczema, at a distance from the intestine. But the explanation for this relationship remains to be elucidated", confirms INSERM.

Naturalallergy tips

  • The first goal is to re-establish intestinal flora after repairing the intestinal mucosa where necessary. To achieve this, in addition to probiotic supplementation, we recommend adopting a prebiotic diet rich in fiber (raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables) and lacto-fermented products (sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, miso, lacto-fermented vegetables, etc.).
  • Next, Omega 3 EPA and DHA are essential fatty acidss that will calm the inflammation created by the allergic reaction, as well as that of the intestinal mucosa. You can add oilseeds (beware of cross-allergies), high-quality vegetable oil such as rapeseed or olive oil, or fish and/or shellfish oil (krill oil).
  • Gluten and lactose are pro-inflammatory. They should be eliminated over a few weeks to calm the general inflammation.
  • Limit red meats, industrial andindustrial and processed products, added sugars, junk food, etc...
  • Focus on antioxidantss (vitamin C, E ) because inflammation is oxidative and occurs in an oxidized environment....
  • The quail eggs are reputed to be anti-histaminic.

Pour conclure avec les allergies de printemps

The intestinal microbiota plays a major role in the reactivity of the immune system, and therefore in the appearance or name of allergic reactions. If it is unbalanced, responses will not be effective. In order to take care of your florayour diet needs to be reviewed and adapted, along with your overall lifestyle. Probiotic supplementation can be envisaged, but will only be beneficial if fed daily with prebiotics.

Alexia Bernard 17 May, 2022
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