What foods to eat during pregnancy?

The name Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (1905 - 1979) may be unfamiliar to you. He is, however, one of the precursors of what is now called ecology. Already at the beginning of the 20th, he opposed weed killers, pesticides, artificial fertilizers, the increasing use of food preservatives and spoke out about the dangers of smoking. He emphasizes the threat of pollution, the crucial need for clean air and water for humans, and the dangers of the bad fats in the American diet. This polyglot scholar who translated the Essene Gospels tells of their way of life that is extremely respectful of the planet, the animal and plant kingdoms, and of man. Many of them lived to be 120 years old. They had a characteristic and life-giving nutritional hygiene.

An energizing and life-giving diet is all the more important when you are a life-giver yourself.

Edmond Bordeaux Szekely explains that a balanced diet should consist of :

  1. 25% biogenic foods: foods that stimulate, strengthen and regenerate vital energy such as sprouted seeds and grains or green sprouts. The process of germination which is completely natural makes it possible to multiply the nutritive and energy capacity of the plants. Soaking followed by germination results in an enzymatic process that predigests carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. This greatly alleviates the overall digestive reactions. Germination and soaking also increase the intrinsic enzymatic, mineral and vitamin content of the plants which are subjected to it. The lightening of the digestive processes generates little metabolic waste (toxins). This combined with an exceptional mineral content (from 30 to 3000 % for certain plants) makes it possible to remedy the various deficiencies and to find a good acido-basic balance.
    The seeds, the dry fruits and the cereals which can all be the subject of germination constitute a nutritional treasure for the future mom
  2. 50% bioactive foods: foods that support and sustain life, such as seaweed, natural organic or biodynamic fruits and vegetables.
  3. 25% biostatic foods: foods that slow down life. It is the cooked, frozen or canned foods.
    He explains that biocidal foods are those that destroy life. It is modern food, industrial, processed, irradiated, additive and chemical filled food and drinks.

While fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, nutrients (antioxidants, enzymes, etc.) and natural sugars at all times, their nutritional benefits are even more appreciated during the gestation period, as they benefit both the mother and the baby she is carrying.

The constipationThis is one of the little problems that can accompany a pregnancy, and can be improved by a large intake of fiber, provided by these many plants. Fiber also has a very positive impact on the overall metabolism. They slow down the passage of sugar in the blood, decreasing the glycemic index, they help to regulate the cholesterol and the transit. These actions oppose the storage of fats and thus the gain of weight which can pose a problem before or during a pregnancy.

More than ever in this particular period of gestation, we should apply the 3 fundamental laws of human nutrition as stated by Dr. Tal Schaller and summarized by the 3 V rule.

The 3 V's

  • Signifying that the diet must be primarily plant-based.
  • Signifying that we need to ingest enough living foods to qualitatively nourish our bodies.
  • For variety. Variety is fundamental to avoid monotony in the diet. Integrating a wide range of different foods into your diet avoids imbalances and deficiencies. Health is above all a dynamic of change. Dietary bigotry is to be avoided especially in this period of preparation for gestation.

During these special times that only women can experience, you must learn to "pamper" yourself and adopt the most natural diet possible. Raw fruits and vegetables should constitute 60% to 70% of a pregnant woman's daily diet. As for fruit, it should preferably be eaten outside of meals. There are no restrictions on vegetables. They can all be consumed at will according to the tastes of each. This is not always the case when breastfeeding, where certain fruits and vegetables should be avoided because of the taste, colic or diarrhea they can cause in the breastfed baby.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 13 May, 2017
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