Water is an essential element for life, since it governs all our metabolic functions and vital physiological reactions. However, one may ask the question: are all drinking waters the same?
Quelle eau boire pour favoriser la bonne santé ?
We are mostly made up ofwater (99.1% molecular weight) and especially circulating water (lymph, blood, intra- and extracellular fluids). It is these aqueous tissues that carry ions and all of the nutrients essential for our cells to function. It is also these bodily fluids that ensure the evacuation of metabolic wastes to our body's outlets. The nutrients and toxins that are evacuated are transported by the water molecules, molecules to which they bind through a set of electromagnetic bonds.
As we all know, the water molecule consists of 2 positively charged hydrogen atoms and one negatively charged oxygen atom. We can therefore see that the water molecule constitutes a small dipole or bipole which is nothing other than a small magnet whose poles can attract elements carrying opposite charges. Thus, this bipole, like any magnet, works like an antenna, i.e. it is both a receiver and a transmitter of electromagnetic or vibratory information.
L’eau et son rôle de transporteur
In order for water molecules to fulfill their electromagnetic transporter role, they must be free, that is, not already bound or charged with other elements. It is very simple to understand, if in a subway train all the seats are occupied and the train is crowded, no passenger will be able to board. However, if the train is empty, seats will be available for those who wish to travel. The same is true with water molecules.
It is therefore drinking a low mineralized water since in this case, only a small part of the molecules will be charged, the others being free can be used for the transport of nutritional elements or the evacuation of cellular metabolic waste. Remember that the elements necessary for cell function (minerals, trace elements, nutrients, vitamins ...) are provided by the food we eat. In order for these nutritional elements to be properly assimilated by the body, they must be chelated (combined with other elements), which is the case for nutrients provided by food, but it is absolutely not the case for minerals in bottled water. It is therefore useless to rely on mineral waters to mineralize since the elements they contain are not chelated and therefore unassimilable.
According to researcher Marc Henry (whose many lectures on water we invite you to watch), the ideal would be to consume water with a dry residue around 25 to 30 mg per liter. This information is compulsory on the labels of bottled water. You will see either "dry residue" or "total mineralization". The maximum tolerance for this criterion should be 100 mg per liter. Above this threshold, drinking water is considered physiologically incompatible, not to mention the toxicity of bisphenol (from plastic bottles) and drug residues that have been found in bottled water.
L’eau, médium de vos pensées
Because of its magnetism, water can carry many more elements than just nutrients. It can be charged with all kinds of electromagnetic information that comes both from our own body such as thoughts or words, which also constitute vibrations or electromagnetic information. It therefore seems essential to learn to control our thoughts and to control our words. To convince yourself of the action of words and thoughts on water, you can refer to the important work of Japanese Masaru Emoto.
As water does not differentiate between good and toxic information, it can also pick up harmful waves such as those from base stations, wi-fi, Linky meters, etc. Here we enter the field of water memory which has now been demonstrated by Professor Montagnier following the resumption of Benveniste's work.
Quelle eau choisir ?
We also advise against drinking tap water, as it contains many toxic elements. These include chlorine (major disruptors of thyroid mechanisms), nitrates (very dangerous especially for babies and children, but not ideal for adults either), heavy metals (chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, mercury) and pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, bactericides, etc.).
Recall that anything with the suffix "cide" means "made to kill" . Since 2011, the WHO itself recognizes that there are drug residues in river water, but also in the water of our taps. Add to this that it may also contain deposits of lead, aluminum or even other endocrine disruptors such as plastic residues due to the materials that make up the pipe networks.
The ideal solution, then, is tofilter tap or rain water to make it bio-compatible drinking water. There are different filtration systems with different levels of performance. Low-end filtration systems are made up of jugs with resin filters. This type of filtration provides limited results since it does not stop nitrates or heavy metals, although it is better than drinking tap water as is.
This type of filtration is expensive in the long run since it is absolutely necessary to change the filter cartridges very regularly in order to avoid bacterial contamination. According to some, the Rolls-Royce of filtration would be the reverse osmosis technology. Unfortunately, the purchase of this equipment is often very expensive. There is a discharge of polluted water in the nature, that is to say the one which contains the toxic substances retained by the filtration. Osmosed water is filtered so finely that it no longer contains any minerals. It is therefore similar to distilled water and requires remineralization using specific cartridges. Osmosis systems require frequent cartridge changes (annually or every two years) which further increases the cost of this luxury filtration.
That leaves filtration systems that use resin and/or carbon-based cartridges. Overall, they are significantly less expensive and are still very effective since among the most successful brands of filters, the degree of filtration approaches that provided by reverse osmosis.