A stress, anxiety? Difficulty sleeping? In children, crying spells? crying fits? You can find appeasement thanks to essential oils. essential oils. Here is our selection of the best essential oils soothing essential oils.
What are the essential oils with soothing virtues?
The virtues of essential oils are due to the molecules present in the plants (linalool in the plants (linalool, terpene esters), which act on the nervous system. nervous system. To find appeasement, turn to essential oils with anxiolytic (calming) and nervous antispasmodic properties.

The essential oil of Roman chamomile
The Roman chamomile, or noble chamomile, is famous for its soothing virtues, in herbal tea or in the form of essential oil. " It is the essential oil antispasmodic physical and and psychic essential oil par excellence " (Daniele Festy, Ma Bible des huiles essential oil); in other words, chamomile essential oil relaxes the spasms and spasms and tensions caused by an overflow of stress.
It calms the central and peripheral nervous system. It is excellent for problems of insomnia and irritability.
The essential oil of Roman chamomile is very well tolerated. It can be used by all, with the exception of except for the pregnant women of less than three months and the newborns (less than three months, in very diluted cutaneous use).
It is used in cutaneous use or in inhalation. It can be ingested, but this is not the best but this is not the best route of administration. It is also not recommended It is also not recommended to diffuse it because of its high price.
In case of anxiety, of stress, as of three years, one breathes directly with the bottle the essential oil of noble chamomile. One can also deposit a drop of it on the plexus, twice a day. For the children of less than six years, dilute the essential oil in five drops of sweet almond oil.
True lavender essential oil, a powerful anxiolytic
A must-have essential oil in our aromatherapy kit! The essential oil of true lavender (or fine lavender or lavender officinale) is a powerful nervous calming. It is anxiolytic, antispasmodic and sedative. It soothes the nervous system, calms excitement and muscle spasms. It is antidepressant and helps to find the sleep.
In olfactotherapy, it allows "tomake an internal washing to get rid of distressing ideas, and thus to find a certain serenity acertain serenity" (Virginie Brevard, Essential oils to breathe and to breathe and to diffuse).
This essential oil is administered by skin, oral or breathing. It is very well tolerated, contraindicated only for babies and women pregnant women of less than three months. In babies and sensitive people, it must be diluted to 20% before cutaneous use.
On Put 1 or 2 drops on a cloth, to inhale in case of anger. One can put 2 drops pure or diluted, 3 times per day, on the internal face of the of the wrists in case of stress or depression.
The oil of petit grain bigarade effective against the anxiety
Still a soothing essential oil not to be missed. The small grain bigarade is commonly called bitter orange. Its very smell is comforting and reminds us of of childhood!
It is an excellent an excellent nervous antispasmodic. It is very useful to rebalance, to balance, to calm while giving energy. It is advised for all the somatic disorders related to anxiety: spasms, stomach ache, sleep disorders, palpitations. It favors the sleep (sedative).
NB - The essences of sweet orange and mandarin have similar virtues. They can be used in the same way as the essential oil of essential oil, even if the latter remains THE reference for soothing and for calming and sleep.
This essential oil is also very well tolerated, only not recommended for pregnant women for pregnant women under three months and for toddlers. It is excellent in olfactotherapy (inhalation or diffusion) and by cutaneous way.
It can be used for babies over three months, one to two drops on a corner of the pillow to help a corner of the pillow to help them fall asleep. It can also be diffused in a room (5 drops in a humidifier diffuser 30 minutes before bedtime). the bedtime).
In case of stress, stage fright or before an exam, apply two drops on the plexus.
Be careful, citrus essences (orange and mandarin) are photosensitizing. Avoid exposure to the sun after use.
The essential oil of laurel to fight against anxiety
The essential oil essential oil of noble laurel is an essential to restore self-confidence and to evacuate the stress related to the shyness.
It is an essential oil balancing for the nervous system, useful in case of anxiety.
It acts on the mental faculties: it calms, but stimulates. It favors the concentration.
It is a powerful a powerful essential oil, to be used sparingly.
Children under the age of children under six years of age, as well as pregnant and nursing women, should avoid to use it.

In cutaneous use:
- it must be diluted at 20% in a vegetable oil, because it is irritating for the skin.
People with asthma and epilepsy should seek medical advice before use.
It should not be used for used over a long period of time: 4 days maximum.
In case of stress related to shyness, or of stressful event, one drop is consumed in a spoon of drop in a spoon of honey, three times a day.
For restore self-confidence, we take a long breath:
- 5 drops of essential oil in an inhaler stick, three times a day or before an event. event.
What are the soothing essential oil synergies?
The essential oils work pure, but they can also be mixed together to mixed together to multiply their effects.
Here are some synergies
of soothing essential oils, according to various modes of administration.

Synergy of essential oils for inhalation
Inhalation is a good mode of action, because it can be done at any time of the day, in case of day, in case of a "stress stress" or anxiety.
On a stick inhaler, deposit:
- one drop of essential oil of Roman chamomile,
- 5 drops of essential oil of petit grain bigarade,
- 5 drops of mandarin essence.
From the age of three, to to breathe in when needed.
For cutaneous use
For periods of intense stress. To be applied three times a day, on the inside of the wrists of the wrists or on the plexus, for adults, excluding pregnant and and breast-feeding women.
- One drop of true lavender essential oil,
- a drop of essential oil of ylang ylang (anti-stress),
- 1 drop of essential oil of ravintsara (anti-depression and anxiety).
Anti-stress synergy before an important event
For adults, excluding pregnant and nursing women, mix:
- 6 drops of essential oil essential oil of petit grain bigarade,
- 5 drops of essential oil of laurel laurel and
- 5 drops of frankincense essential oil (anti-stress and tension).
inhale on an inhaler stick the day before and the day of an important event.

Synergy of essential oils in diffusion to support the sleep
In a humidifier diffuser, pour:
- 4 drops of essential oil of fine lavender,
- 4 drops of essential oil of petit grain bigarade and
- 4 drops of mandarin or sweet orange oil.
To be diffused in the room for children from 3 months, 5 to 10 minutes before bedtime.
Essential oils, pure or in synergy, will help you find peace at any time of the day and in life. Your allies: chamomile, lavender, bay leaf and citrus essences!