Paravitamins: focus on choline

The field of nutritherapy is a vast, rich and complex universe... but just as wonderful. Indeed, this science of food is very interesting because it will then allow everyone to counter certain diseases or everyday problems. The nutrition therapist - different from a dietician or a nutritionist doctor - will be able to treat the patient and especially to understand him through what he puts on his plate. Not only trained in weight loss or weight gain, the nutrio-therapist will be able to solve various health problems such as chronic fatigue, infections, digestive problems but also diabetes for example.

All this is thanks to Linus Pauling who, in 1968, put forward orthomolecular medicine. But let's not forget that, long before him, Hippocrates had understood everything with his famous quote "Let your food be your medicine". Food is our first medicine, let's not forget it!

Vitamins are the most well-known nutrients to the general population, but did you know about para-vitamins? There are 7 of them and they are equally important for health. Let us quote them:

  • Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Para amino benzoic acid: Vitamin B10
  • Malic acid
  • Choline
  • Inositol
  • Pangamic acid: Vitamin B15
  • Rutin

Focus on Choline

The main characteristic of the vitamin is that it cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be provided by the diet. An exception however, with the choline which is a paravitamin which, it, can be synthesized by the body and this, starting from two enzymes.
It is the liver which will be in charge of synthesizing this vitamin but very weakly, certainly not in sufficient quantity so that all the needs of our organization are satisfied. Therefore, a contribution via the food will be interesting with the following foods: egg yolk, proteins from animal meats and legumes. Some vegetable sources are also noticed, choline would be found therefore also in peanuts (not salted and not roasted of course) and soybeans.

Choline would have a very positive impact on the evolution of Alzheimer's disease because it would really slow down the dementia process and would have an impact on memory improvement. Moreover, in addition to its action on this degenerative disease, it is also necessary to the synthesis of acetylcholine which is a very important mediator in the cerebral function.
Choline also intervenes in many metabolic mechanisms, it favors for example the homocysteine in methionine which is, him, an essential amino acid.
Let us not stop in so good way, its roles and principal functions are essential. Indeed, it would eliminate the lipidic deposits at the level of the blood vessels having thus a role of protection towards the arteries. Its lipotropic action would allow a reduction of the accumulation of the fatty deposits in the liver.
Finally, its hepato-protective action is very interesting because its work would be mainly cholagogue and its choleretic action would be, also, put forward.

People with a strictly vegetarian diet risk a certain deficiency, so a supplementation will be essential. The daily intake being consequent, the body needs an intake that varies between 3 and 5 grams per day. If it cannot be provided by the diet, it must be provided by a adequate food supplement.

Understanding nutritherapy can be really interesting for all people who want to live in full health with a plate rich in good nutrients and vitamins.

Vanessa Colant 28 November, 2016
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