Our hair is attacked by pesticides!

Special, expensive blood tests are used to assess specific levels of certain toxins in the body. In addition to these little-known tests that require the intervention of a doctor or nurse, many techniques are available to detect the presence of toxins in the body. This is how some therapists and health professionals use moratherapy, kinesiology, bioresonance, Oligoscan, etc.

Hair analysis is another one that is better known to forensic scientists because it allows them to detect traces of possible poisoning. However, this expertise can be performed on a living person. It allows us to evaluate our level of "poisoning" with respect to toxic substances, substances that we come into contact with on a daily basis.

little girl's hair

Between October and December 2013, an association "Générations Futures" (Future Generations) asked the parents of 30 schoolchildren aged 3 to 10 years old to take a lock of their hair. These children lived or went to school in agricultural areas. The association had the hair strands analyzed by an independent laboratory. At the beginning of 2014 and for the first time in France, this association used the analysis of these samples. The research included 53 pesticides suspected of being endocrine disruptors. This initiative has made it possible to accurately assess the level of impregnation by certain pesticides and other phytosanitary products of these children.

The summary of results shows that there is indeed cause for alarm, as it was detected that:

  • Of the 53 pesticides, each child had an average of 21.52 different residues.
  • Of the 53 toxics, trace amounts of 35 of them appeared at least once among the children in the group, constituting a 66.03% frequency of intoxication.
  • 13 substances of the 53 analyzed were present in all samples. Among these 13 fish, many have been banned in France for agricultural use for several years. Others remain authorized for domestic or veterinary uses.

Spokesperson for Générations Futures, François Veillerette says, "The presence of more than 21 pesticide substances (all endocrine disruptors) on average in the hair analyzed shows that our children are exposed to significant cocktails of these substances on a daily basis."

Of course, some specialists, under the pretext that these toxins are present only in infinitesimal doses, state loud and clear that this is not necessarily synonymous with danger...

But as François Veillerette rightly retorts to this somewhat light argument from a scientific point of view: "It is not so much the dose that poses a problem, but the accumulation (over a lifetime) of pesticides and the cocktail effect (i.e. the cumulative effect of many different sources)".

Even if the association recognizes that these results and this sample of children cannot be considered as representative of the average exposure of all French children, it considers nevertheless that there seems to be a certain urgency to protect the sensitive and at-risk populations.

If in the sixteenth century Paracelsus said: "everything is poison and nothing is without poison. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison", this is all the more true that with the molecules that are currently called "endocrine disruptors", minute doses are enough to wind up the subtle workings of our entire hormonal and neuronal physiology.

No one really knows the long-term health repercussions that the accumulation of these infinitesimal doses can generate. In the same way that the recombination of these thousands of different molecules in the body can cause explosive cocktails whose consequences are totally unknown.

The few measures such as the prohibition of daytime spraying to protect... bees or the reduction of the domestic use of the few insecticide bombs and antiparasitic products that the authorities recommend will probably not change anything to this planetary poisoning.

spraying of pesticides

The time has come to impose much more drastic measures on a large scale. If our governments and our (European lobbyist) commissions really cared about the health of the population, The solution would obviously be the radical and total withdrawal of at least all the plant protection products (endocrine disruptors) listed in this expert report.

But do the colossal financial stakes and the enormous power of the lobbies leave our politicians free to really implement such measures?

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 26 June, 2016
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