Mom and breastfeeding: tips for a smooth weaning

For some reason you have to wean your child? Discover natural tips for you and your chick to make weaning go smoothly... According to the authors, "weaning" is either stopping breastfeeding for solid food, or the process can take weeks, months or even years. 

Withdrawal: a step that takes time

If time allows, try to anticipate enough in advance to gradually decrease feedings. For example, start by removing the daytime ones, then the morning ones and finally the evening ones. This program is obviously to be adapted according to your habits, your desires and the needs of the child. Ideally, the transition should be spread out over several weeks, as this period requires time to adapt, both for the child and for you. 

Indeed, in addition to the psychological issues that weaning entails, you need to consider the physiological changes that are taking place in him and in you. Your child's digestive system has to adapt, his circadian cycle has to readjust... As for you, you have to deal with the rise of milk, the possible engorgement, the hormonal drop, etc... Going gradually, at your own pace, is a guarantee of success.  

Weaning:herbs that decrease lactation

Sage, peppermint and parsley are known to decrease or even stop milk production. It is therefore advisable to put it on your plate and to prepare an infusion of it every day during the withdrawal. 

At the same time, avoid galactogenic plants (which promote milk production): fennel, anise, fenugreek...

You can find the list in the article dedicated to breastfeeding. 

Weaning: Bach flowers for mom.

Sometimes the child is ready to cut the cord but it's the mom who has a hard time watching her little one grow. It is important to keep in mind that the baby is an emotional sponge that feels absolutely all the emotions of its parents, even more so if it is breastfed.

In order for a weaning to go smoothly, perhaps it would be interesting to look at the mother's psycho-emotional sphere. The Bach flowers and other flower essences are great tools for managing moods. It is delicate to advise such or such elixir because being a holistic accompaniment, it requires a consultation with a professional to perfectly adapt the elixir and the dosage. 

Gemmotherapy for gentle withdrawal

In first intention, the bud of Fig tree will help you to manage the stress and the apprehensions. By passing into the milk, it will also help your child calm his anxieties.

According to the methods of manufacture, it is generally advised to take 5 to 10 drops in a glass of water up to 3 times a day, outside of meals. Glycerine macerates contain alcohol and are safe for the baby. However, you should know that there are alcohol-free formulas.

Peppermint essential oil in the service of gentle weaning

Once the weaning is completely finished, massage your breasts with 2 drops of peppermint essential oil diluted in a little vegetable oil. This will have the effect of inhibiting milk production. 

IMPORTANT: the baby should not suckle any more because, by passing in the milk, the essential oil of peppermint can be very dangerous to him.

Weaning: what about dad's place in all this?

The role of the father is essential in the weaning stage. He is the one who separates the child from his mother, who opens the child to the world, who gives the reference points and who reassures. Obviously, in single-parent or homoparent families, it will be a relative who will play this role (nanny, grandparent, spouse, etc.). This is usually also the time when strong emotional bonds are built between this figure and her child. The father has a role to play in this important stage for his child. 

A number of research studies suggest that there are better times than others for planned withdrawal. As a result of their psychomotor development, babies sometimes show less interest in the breast between 4 and 5 months, around 7 months, and between 9 and 12 months. On the other hand, between 13 and 18 months, they often show separation anxiety which makes weaning more difficult.

(source: la Leche League France)

A gentle weaning should be gradual for both mom and her child. This avoids many physical and/or psycho-emotional discomforts. Companions to breastfeedingIn addition, you may be able to get help from a professional, such as a doula, a naturopath or even a midwife, to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

Alexia Bernard 29 January, 2020
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