Cellulite, or orange peel skin, appears when the quantity of fat cells accumulates in the subcutaneous connective tissue. Many women struggle to get rid of it, often without success. Let's see how essential oils can help in this fight to regain smooth skin.
Why do I have cellulite?
First, let's take a quick look at the factors that allow cellulite to develop.
Often triggered during hormonal upsets such as puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, cellulite can also occur due to the following factors:
Venous or lymphatic insufficiency leads to poor circulation, which prevents good irrigation of tissues, slower cellular exchange and less good drainage of toxins. The waste accumulates and attacks the skin's support fibers. Once cellulite sets in, fatty clusters form, compressing blood vessels. We then find ourselves in a vicious circle.
Lack of exercise is also an aggravating factor in the fight against cellulite. Indeed, practicing a regular physical activity allows to gain in tonicity, to fight against the fat mass, to boost the blood and lymphatic circulation and to stimulate the metabolism, allowing it to burn more calories.
Sugar (especially refined sugar) is bad for our body. Adipocytes (fat cells) are sensitive to insulin, resulting in fat mass gain and increased cellulite. In addition, sugar is responsible for the glycation of collagen, which traps the adipocytes, making cellulite more difficult to dislodge.
Add to that the so-called "sponge foods" such as salt, synthetic sweeteners and flavor enhancers, bad fats, smoking, stress, certain oral contraceptive medications, hormone treatments, antihistamines, corticosteroids and too-tight clothing and you have the perfect cocktailfor cellulite to set in for good.
Essential oils against cellulite
The most well-known technique is the palpate-roll. You've probably all heard of it. Adding a synergy to it withessential oils will optimize the results. This method dislodges fat cells and stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation. For the best results, it is recommended to perform the palpate and roll twice a week for 5 weeks. After that, maintain regularly, going to once a week for a month, then once a fortnight, and finally once a month.
You can also practice it in self-massage at home with essential oils.
The technique is fairly simple but still requires some mastery. The principle is to palpate and roll the layer of fat that lies between the skin and the muscles. A "boudin" of skin is grabbed between the thumb and other fingers, lifted and rolled. Be careful not to press too hard or too soft. The technique is not very nice but proves very effective.
As mentioned above essential oils are true allies in this fight against orange skin. Many of them have beneficial effects on water retention, blood circulation and toxin elimination.
Which essential oil to choose to fight against cellulite?
Fennel essential oil (EO) has diuretic properties. It helps thebody eliminate water retention as well as toxins. It is also effective in dissolving fatty deposits present below the skin's surface.
Geranium EO firms the skin, improves blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system. It also helps the body to fight against water retention, leading to the elimination of toxins.
Grapefruit EO, an excellent lymphatic stimulant, promotes the elimination of toxins and fights cellulite and water retention.
The EO this cinnamon is heat-active, activates microcirculation and helps to burn off fat.
Rosemary EO, fights against water retention and against the accumulation of toxins in the tissues.
Lemongrass EO, a diuretic and vasodilator, allowsthe elimination of edema and to fight against cellulite and water retention.
Cedarwood EO helps balance the skin, is diuretic and eliminates toxins present in the blood. It activates arterial and lymphatic blood flow and helps dissolve fat.
Juniper EO has a detox action and helps to eliminate cellulite and water retention.
These oils can be used in synergy. Here is an example:
Mix in an opaque container:
20 drops of rosemary EO
20 drops of fennel EO
15 drops of juniper EO
15 drops of grapefruit EO
5 drops of geranium EO
This synergy can be used in different ways:
Dry brushing
Put one to two drops of the mixture ofessential oils On anatural bristle brush. Then brush in small circular motions up the limbs to activate the blood circulation.
In the bath
Dilute four to six drops of oil in a teaspoon of shower gel. Mix intoyour bath water once it's filled. Relax in your bath for at least thirty minutes.
The last way to use these oils is to vYou can visit massage regularly Areas where cellulite is present. To do this, simply dilute ten drops of the oil mixture in four teaspoons of sweet almond oil (or other vegetable oil of your choice).
To get rid of cellulite, it is important to remain consistent in the method you use, no matter which one you choose. There will be no "miracle" results, but practicing any of the above techniques and improving your eating and living habits is the best way to get the results you want.