The health risks of obesity

According to l’World Health Organization (WHO)), overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat that represents a health risk. This obesity is calculated from the BMI, the body mass index, which is established on the basis of a simple calculation that everyone can do at home. A person with a BMI over 25 is overweight and obese if that number reaches or exceeds 30. Above 35, it is a case of severe obesity that can be treated by surgery.

IMC = weight/height 2.

It should be noted, however, that BMI does not take into account the distribution of bone mass or muscle mass in the body. In addition, the location of the fat is not established either, in fact, excess abdominal fat can have even more harmful consequences on health. Let's be careful with these many parameters that should be analyzed by a specialized therapist, especially if you are overweight.

Overweight affects 1.4 billion people worldwide, regardless of the age group of the population. This corresponds to 1 in 10 adults. This figure is likely to triple by 2030 and the health risks are also increasing.

Being obese or overweight does not stop at a physical aspect, a shape and an inner malaise. Being overweight can have serious and severe health consequences.


Cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

The bad fats accumulating in the blood can lead to deposits on the arteries and the cardiovascular risks are then very present: the heart that palpitates and races too fast for no reason, the blood pressure that climbs and sometimes even pains in the chest that are a sign that something is not working properly anymore.

An increase in bad LDL cholesterol and a decrease in good HDL cholesterol is a major risk in obesity. Many nutritional supplements can help you regulate lipid and triglyceride metabolism.


Respiratory diseases.

When fat accumulates in the tissues, it affects important organs that prevent them from functioning properly. When this one comes to lodge on the diaphragm and at the level of the abdomen, it then blocks the good functioning of the thoracic cage. Shortness of breath is the first sign to recognize and quickly, breathing can become complicated.

Sleep apnea is also linked to obesity. Night devices are often the solution to help the patient and improve his or her quality of life, but in no case do they solve the basic problem.


Type 2 diabetes.

Turning excess sugar into fat, your liver will be the primary culprit in your diabetes. If you have type 2 diabetes, which promotes the aggregation of blood platelets, you are at high risk of blood clots and therefore thrombosis. As your BMI increases, so does your risk of developing diabetes. Of course, these are amplified if there is a family history.

Here again, taking nutritional supplements to regulate blood sugar is strongly recommended, in addition to a weight-loss diet.


But not only...

Other disorders are also possible such as musculoskeletal disorders and sometimes even certain cancers. Let's not forget the emotional balance that is totally disturbed by this excess weight that must be accepted on a daily basis.

If you are a smoker or sedentary, these risks are greatly increased. The first measure to take is of course a dietary measure with a measured weight loss. This process must be followed by a competent therapist who will be able to follow your evolution and your health parameters.

It will also be very important to modify your lifestyle by adopting a healthy diet and by supplementing you with minerals and trace elements essential to your well-being. Many nutritional supplements adapted to your situation are available to support you in your weight loss process.

| Suggested food supplement : AdipominPerfect Health Solutions Laboratory, 44 €.

Vanessa Colant 22 May, 2016
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