Water, a youth for our cells?

Being healthy is increasingly rare today. Indeed, the population is increasingly unhealthy and, as people age, many are also afraid of aging badly. This fear is obviously linked to a less and less healthy lifestyle. We do not mention the many disorders that the consumer society causes voluntarily or not, such as industrial and denatured food, excessive consumption of soft drinks, sugary and exciting, sedentary lifestyle, stress, negative thoughts and emotions such as jealousy, impatience, overconsumption, etc.

Is being healthy a miracle?

Fortunately, no. Becoming an actor of one's health is a long and sometimes painful journey that often pushes us out of our comfort zone. Of course, we do not include in this discourse serious, autoimmune or genetic diseases which are not to be taken into consideration in this type of reasoning.

In order to keep our physical, mental and emotional youth, we advise you to review your lifestyle and in particular your relationship with water, the drink you consume daily. Because the quality of this water that we ingest every day is so important, it is very important to finally address this topic.

Although forgotten in favor of processed beverages such as sodas, fruit juices, alcohol, tea or coffee, water is the only source of water our body needs. Indeed, our human body is composed of 60 to 80% water and our cells are also bathed in the interstitial fluid, which is also mainly composed of water. Therefore, consuming the right water is essential for our youth and our survival.

The question that keeps coming up is But what water should you consume?

Very often, mineral waters are recommended for the different minerals that make them up: rich in calcium or magnesium, these drinks are promoted in advertisements by promising miracles for health. Unfortunately, the minerals in these waters cannot be assimilated by our human body. If you want to get magnesium, then eat foods rich in this trace element. But what is even more interesting is the composition of these waters. Indeed, they are too rich to perform their primary role, namely: the purification of our body. The lower the rate of mineralization, the greater and more effective the cleansing of our body.

Turning to drinking water from the tap would also be a mistake. Of course, these waters are rich in chlorine, fluorine, but also in pesticides, fungicides and detritus from pipes and drains. Moreover, from a vibrational point of view, this choice would not be ideal either.

Rest assured, there are drinks that are optimal for your health: natural spring waters with low mineral content will bring together all the ingredients for good health: hydration, cleansing and purification. Moreover, although effective on health, these waters carry positive memories and vibrations for our health and personal development.

In zero waste mode

Consuming bottled spring water implies the daily production of waste, thus impacting the environment. There are of course alternatives to this problem.

Water filters that are connected to the tap are available today to purify water of its impurities. As well as decanters are available for more convenient use. Nevertheless, avoid low-cost filters made only of activated carbon that would not act in depth in the filtration of drinking water.

The subject of water is fascinating and much could be added to this article. Let's simply conclude: Don't neglect this water intake because a lack of water can easily lead to dehydration which would have a huge impact on the health and youth of your cells. Therefore, drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day (no sparkling water or herbal teas) for an easy and effective rejuvenation cure.

Vanessa Colant 21 October, 2017
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