When a child comes into the world, a new human being appears on this earth but we also witness the birth of a mother because for each birth, a new mother is born. This new role offered to the mother is delicate and delicious at the same time. Indeed, we must find the right gestures, the right resources as well as the right tools to provide for the needs of this child who is just waiting to enter this life.
In addition to love and attention, the food you want to give your child is essential. Nevertheless, we must be aware that for an infant, its primary resource remains breast milk. Natural physiological breastfeeding is the best nutrition for the baby.
Quels sont les bienfaits de l’allaitement ?
Initially, breastfeeding is positive for the first few days for its colostrum which is a powerful anti-viral and does not exist anywhere else in nature. The benefits of this first milk are undeniable on the immune system of the toddler.
Other elements are important for this immature immune system, these are the immunoglobulins present in significant quantities in the mother's milk that will allow the child to fight against viruses and other surrounding bacteria.
The mother's milk is made up of natural elements that are not present in powdered formula, such as :
Easily assimilated proteins
Enzymes for optimal digestion
Gynolactoses, important simple sugars for children
Alpha linolenic fatty acids - omega 3 - are natural. Unlike infant formula, which contains added fatty acids that are not very usable at the neuronal level.
Amino acids essential to the growth of the baby as well as trace elements, iron but also hormones and messenger substances which connect the mother and the baby.
Breast milk is therefore the most suitable food for the infant, its needs and its evolution. Also, the breastfed child is less likely to get sick and be affected by various infections.
Let's not forget that breastfeeding also provides many benefits to the mother. One thinks of the reduction of the risks of breast cancer or ovarian cancer. There is also a faster and more effective weight loss after the pounds gained during pregnancy. Not to mention a special relationship with the child.
Nevertheless, sometimes a nursing mom does not have the opportunity to breastfeed or continue breastfeeding. Indeed, becoming a nursing mom is not that easy. Sometimes, life as it is today robs us of the elements necessary for this task. Without guilt or judgment, some moms make the choice to switch to other ways of feeding their children. This is for reasons that are their own and should be respected.
Also, the choice will have to be made with full awareness, without regret and with strict medical monitoring. The doctor, pediatrician or midwife who will follow you should indicate the best possible alternatives. For example, infant formulas preferably organic to avoid them being polluted by aluminum. Also, the alternative to mare's milk which is the closest animal milk to the mother's milk.
For parents who wish to give their children a vegetarian diet, it is possible to choose milk powders specifically designed for vegetarian children. In no case, self-feeding with "classic" vegetable milk could be authorized under penalty of risks of malnutrition of the infant. Indeed, these vegetable drinks, although very interesting for health, are in no way adapted to the growth of a baby. They do not contain all the elements that are essential for his well-being and health.
Whatever food you give your child, do it with love and respect for your child. Although breastfeeding is the best alternative, no guilt should enter the life of a mom who doesn't have the option.