How to prepare your skin for the sun

Summer's finally here! Time to fill up on vitamin D and flaunt pretty, tanned skin. But not without some preparation! Here are a few tips to help you glow without resorting to sunbeds or chemical self-tanners.

Preparing skin for summer: moisturizing for beautiful skin

When we think of beautiful skin, we immediately think of its hydratation. The most favorable of these is on the inside. It's very important to stay well hydrated, by drinking plenty of water.

This is the very first thing you should do, especially as the body needs even more water in the sun, as it eliminates more water in the heat. Under normal circumstances, you should drink 1.5 to 2 liters of pure water a day, but this should be increased in hot weather.

Choose beta-carotene for a golden complexion

As is often the case, everything starts with the plate. By choosing the right foods, the skin benefits from the elements it needs to be prepared for the sun's rays.

For example, foods foods rich in beta-carotene are indispensable allies for a golden complexion. Watercress, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mangoes, melons and apricots (fresh or dried) should be eaten without moderation. Consume them raw or in juice, to preserve all their benefits.

While nourishing and moisturizing the skin from the inside are two important factors, taking care of it from the outside is also an essential step in preparing for the sun. Thanks to vegetable oilsyour skin can be optimally prepared.
L'carrot oilapricot kernel or buriti oil, all rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, are the most interesting. In addition to giving an almost instant healthy glow, they naturally prepare the skin for tanning.

You can swap your face creams and body against these oils, a few weeks before exposure. 100 times more concentrated in beta-carotene than carrots, urucum powder can also be added to your skincare routine.

Preparing your skin for the sun

The inevitable scrub to prepare your skin for the sun

Un body and face scrub is ideal2 or 3 days before exposure to the sun. By ridding the body of dead cells, the skin is smoother and better able to tan evenly.

Feel like splurging on a tanning gas pedal? Try thebergamot essential oil.

Although photosensitizing, it can be used in very small, diluted doses: a single drop is enough, in your dose of oil or sun cream for the face and décolleté, and a maximum of 3 drops for the rest of the body.

One last important point: protection! Between midday and 4pm, the sun's rays are at their most aggressive. Hats, sunglasses, sunscreen... remember to protect yourself!
What's more, avoid making pancakes. It's the best way to suffer dangerous and painful sunburns. So get moving as much as you can, so you can enjoy the sun just as much.

You're ready to expose yourself to the sun, in optimal conditions... All you have to do now is wait for it to arrive!

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Thyphanie Mouton 27 June, 2016
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3 myths about the skin