Gemmotherapy: young cedar shoots against dry skin problems

The young shoots of cedar of Lebanon or cedrus libani are a remedy against the problems of dry skin in gemmotherapy. Thanks to its draining properties, it relieves dry eczema, chronic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichenified dermatosis etc... The elderly can also enjoy its benefits to relieve dry itchy and tight skin. Zoom on the benefits of young shoots of Cedar of Lebanon. 

Cedrus Libani, young shoots for dry skin

The cedar of Lebanon or cedrus libani of its botanical name is a majestic tree. Its fragrant bark conceals all the magic of the East. A tree from the Mediterranean region, it likes drained and rather calcareous soils and prefers dryness to excessive humidity. 

The symbolism of the cedar 

The fragrance of its wood is traditionally used in temples and is also used to repel insects. By analogy, it is the one that protects the body and the spirits from all parasitic thoughts and behaviors. Its young shoots therefore offer a special care to the skin, which is the protective envelope of your body. 

Cedar of Lebanon to relieve dry skin

In gemmotherapy, young cedar shoots improves skin disorders related to excessive dryness. It will drain and facilitate the renewal of the skin. It is thus very indicated in the cases of psoriasis, dry eczema, callus, cradle cap... or any other dermatitis being shown by inflammatory plates, itchings and dryness.

Young cedar shoots for aging skin

Mature skin that tends to dry out more quickly can benefit from the advantages of young cedar shoots. This one calms the pruritus and limits the loss of cutaneous elasticity. Added to a moisturizing cream, it brings an exceptional care for the most delicate skins.

Cedar, a drainer of gemmotherapy

Le cèdre est un draineur profond. Il aide à l'élimination des toxines accumulées causant des problèmes dermatologiques. Pour rappel, en naturopathie, on considère la peau comme un émonctoire de relais lorsque le foie et les reins ne peuvent plus drainer correctement. La surcharge de travail de ces derniers entraîne une accumulation de déchets qui tentent alors de sortir par la peau. Celle-ci finit par se fragiliser et à s'enflammer. Les jeunes pousses de cèdre permettent alors de soulager l'activité émonctorielle de la peau et pourront être accompagnées par d'autres bourgeons comme celui de romarin, de genévrier ou de bouleau pour renforcer la détox, en fonction des besoins et de l'état vital général. 

Other benefits of young cedar shoots:

  • Digestive system: calms digestive irritations.

  • Pulmonary system: soothes inflammation of the pulmonary mucous membranes in connection with allergies.

  • Allergies: regulates the allergic manifestations.

How to use cedar in gemmotherapy?

Le cedar macerate estlong to take effect. It is thus necessary to plan a cure over the duration with therapeutic windows. In addition, it is possible to add drops to your day cream or aloe vera gel for local application.

Gemmotherapy, the basic principles of this natural treatment method

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy. It uses buds and young shoots as a remedy for various ailments, whether physical, psycho-emotional or energetic. Fresh plants are macerated in a glycerine mixture, thus creating a glycerine macerate. 

Why use buds and young shoots? Because buds are considered as plant embryos. They contain within them all the therapeutic potential of the plant. Indeed, in the bud we find: the bark, the leaves, the flowers and the fruit of the plant. It is a real concentrate of active principles and therefore, of benefits.

Le laboratoire HerbalGem, la référence gemmothérapie depuis 30 ans

HerbalGem est le laboratoire expert dans le domaine de la gemmothérapie. Il élabore des compléments alimentaires naturels à base de plantes et plus spécifiquement à base de bourgeons et jeunes pousses depuis plus de 30 ans. Leur gamme est composée de 60 macérats-mère concentrés de bourgeons certifiés BIO (contrôle CERTISYS-BE-BIO-01) pour prendre soin de toute la famille, des plus petits aux plus âgés. 

Alexia Bernard 8 August, 2022
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