Faced with chemistry, let's use plants

In today's fast-paced world, it's easier and more convenient to run straight to the pharmacy between important appointments. Nowadays, with a single click, the pharmacist offers us the syrups and other sprays or medicines we need. For ease of use, but also out of confidence in our doctor, we take what is sold to us and go home without even knowing what we have been given.

This is the current method, the method of the 21th century! The one that works very well in most households. In addition, this method allows pharmaceutical companies to operate in a very large way. The cliché "patient - doctor - pharmacy" is a winning trio for many people.

And yet! This may not be the best solution for our lives. Once again, we forget what nature has to offer us and we let ourselves be taken in by ease and blind trust. In the time of our ancestors, all this did not really exist and the methods of care were much more in accordance with our real needs.


Chemistry VS Nature

Plants are available to us, so why use chemistry to treat ourselves? This last one clogs us up more. Let's go back to our roots and let plants enter our kitchen, our medicine cabinet and even our bathroom. Plants can really have benefits on our body, they can be antispasmodic, painkillers, astringent, digestive, draining, antitussive, fortifying, laxative, hepatic and so on. Indeed, their virtues are extraordinary.
Moreover, some can bring to our body the minerals which we need as calcium with the dandelion or the mint, the magnesium with the nettle or the parsley and even of the vitamin C with the blackcurrant or the lemon. Bref, you guessed it, plants are our allies.

En phytothérapie, il existe plusieurs méthodes pour bénéficier des bienfaits des plantes. Citons la gemmothérapie, l’aromathérapie ou encore l’utilisation des élixirs floraux. Attardons nous quelques peu sur les tisanes qui ne sont pas de simples breuvages aromatiques. Elles ont en effet des propriétés bien définies et elles peuvent nous accompagner sur le chemin de la guérison.

Let's take a look at some herbal teas or winter remedies that can guide us through this cold and hibernating period.


Herbal tea for the flu

Digestive herbal tea

The ingredients you will need for this drink are easily found in organic stores or even in your garden. For a cup of 250 ml of water at 80 degrees, let infuse a few sprigs of thyme and then add a stick of licorice. This one will be perfect for hoarseness and angina. Of course licorice also has other properties such as a very positive action on stomach aches or dental pain in young children.
Although licorice brings a sweet touch to your drink, add a teaspoon of organic honey in which you put a small drop ofessential oil of ravintsara, this oil so precious in this winter period. For a guaranteed effect, you can drink 3 cups a day for about ten days.


The cocooning herbal tea

Imagine the snow falling through the window, the cold freezing your toes and the wood fire crackling in the fireplace. Forget about the classic hot chocolate which, while it may bring emotional comfort, will not bring you the warmth you need. Don't get carried away by the winter dreariness and try a much more interesting phyto-therapeutic approach: For a 250 ml cup of water at 80 degrees, let infuse a cinnamon stick and a few slices of freshly cut organic ginger and lemon. Let it steep for a few minutes before enjoying this warm and invigorating beverage. As for the previous tea, you can add a teaspoon of organic honey in which you put a small drop of essential oil of ravintsara.

You have no more excuses to feel fit this winter season.

Vanessa Colant 1 February, 2017
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