Epigenetics: naturopathy to prevent psychosis

Epigenetics has been of interest to psychiatry for some years. In this article, we are going to tell you about a study that was conducted on young people with psychotic tendencies and whose results showed that the environment had a real impact on the activation of certain genes known to promote the onset of crises. Based on this discovery, you will discover how naturopathy can help maintain good mental health for those who are predisposed. 

Epigenetics: a science of the future

As a reminder epigenetics is the "discipline of biology that studies the nature of mechanisms that reversibly, transmissibly (during cell divisions) and adaptively modify the expression of genes without changing the nucleotide sequence (DNA)" (source: wikipedia). Indeed, the DNA itself does not change. On the other hand, some genes may or may not be activated depending on the person's environment.

This science is extremely promising and allows us to understand the influence of the environment on our health. 

Psychotic disorders: who is affected, how do they happen?

Psychotic disorders usually affect young people. This has the effect of significantly altering their sociability as the disorders gradually build up in stages. Indeed, several years before the onset of a full-blown psychotic episode, certain specific manifestations appear such as isolation or aggressiveness. Then, other non-specific symptoms such as anxiety, concentration disorders, sleep disorders are added and finally much more specific manifestations such as perceptual distortion and/or fixed ideas appear.

When epigenetic researchers look at psychosis

"A research team from the University of Paris Descartes, Inserm and the Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne, under the direction of Professor Marie-Odile Krebs, has demonstrated that epigenetic changes accompany the emergence of a psychotic episode in a cohort of young people at risk aged 15 to 25 years. These changes compromise response systems to oxidative stress and inflammation. Thanks to this new work, the researchers shed new light on this disease whose main biological explanation was previously based on disturbances in the secretion of dopamine at the brain level. The study was published on April 26, 2016 in Molecular Psychiatry" (source inserm)

The birth of this study

Psychiatric analyses and assessments are used to define, according to certain predefined criteria, the mental state at risk of a person. It has been noted that approximately one-third of people with at least one at-risk mental condition will eventually develop a psychotic disorder within 3 years. Based on this observation, researchers have studied the physiopathological mechanisms in order to better prevent the onset of psychotic episodes.

To do this, the research team studied changes in the profile of methylation through blood sampling of at-risk youth. By studying the methyl groups on the DNA, we can define epigenetic modifications.

They then compared the profiles of those who triggered a psychotic episode and those who remained mentally healthy. 

They then noticed the involvement of epigenetic modifications in the triggering of a psychotic episode. Most interestingly, these genes are involved in protection against oxidative stress, in axonal guidance and in the inflammatory response.

Psychotic disorders are not only due to a disturbance of neurotransmitters

Until now it was thought that psychotic episodes were due to a disturbance in the secretion of dopamine at the brain level, now thanks to these new data, their triggers to be related to an inflammatory and oxidative stress thus disrupting the homeostasis balance already weakened by a genetic, environmental or neurodevelopmental vulnerability

Naturopathic ways to limit the onset of psychotic episodes

Based on these extremely promising results, it is now possible to work well upstream with the subjects at risk, and this, naturally. 

The urgency is to counter inflammation and oxidation. Thus, the tracks to be put in place would be:

  • Food

    • Adopt an organic or garden food, hypotoxic and antioxidant, alive, raw or little cooked, rich in fruits and vegetables, wholemeal flours and mainly gluten-free, oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts...), unroasted and unsalted seeds (flax, sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, pine kernel...), first cold-pressed virgin oil (olive and rapeseed), coconut oil...

    • Seignalet diet known for being anti-inflammatory: rich in fruits and vegetables, gluten-free and lactose-free, low in red meat, omega 3 (oilseeds, first cold-pressed virgin oil).

    • Ban industrial products, additives (dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers), sodas, refined products (sugars and flours), morning cereals, hyper-sweetened breakfasts, industrial fruit juices.

  • Microbiota

Acting on the microbiota by readjusting the diet is essential. To relieve inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, clay water, taking L-Glutamine and finally taking probiotics can help repair the mucosa. However, for an effective result, it is important to provide prebiotics to feed the microbiota with fiber and lacto-fermented products: kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso ...

  • Physical activity

Getting your body in motion is excellent for your health, we can't say it enough. By practicing a sport, you oxygenate yourself, intra and extra cellular exchanges are activated, the elimination of toxins is stimulated. All systems (osteoarticular, cardiovascular, digestive, renal, nervous, etc.) are solicited. In addition, hormonal secretions are rebalanced as well as those of neurotransmitters. 

  • Stress management

First of all, getting a good night's sleep to recover properly is essential. Secondly, sport helps to counteract the effects of stress. In addition, meditation or relaxation techniques, art therapy, sophrology, hypnosis etc... are all techniques that allow you to work on yourself in order to learn how to manage your emotions. 

To conclude

Naturopathy has its place in accompanying people who are prone to psychotic episodes. It fits perfectly into the framework of prevention and the complementarity of medical and psychotherapeutic care. 

Alexia Bernard 11 May, 2020
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