Diabetes is among the most common chronic diseases today. It is particularly the result of the body's inability to assimilate glucose levels. The current situation worsens the profusion of this disease through industrial food products. With that, it is worth noting someprohibited foods as part of diabetes prevention or care. What are these foods?
What foods should I avoid to prevent diabetes?
Diabetes, even if it is just a suspicion preceding a diagnosis, should immediately change one's dietary habits. It is not necessary to note the foods that are recommended in the a treatment of diabetes. It will be identified, in the essay, foods prohibited to people with diabetes.
About that, it is important to note thatthis disease has two stages - 1 and 2. The diet will start with a simple restriction instead of a ban in step 1. It is in the upper phase that it is advisable to remove certain foods from the diet.
However, the diabetic diet is followed by some important indications in addition to dietary restrictions. First of all, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet: breakfast, lunch and dinner. No step should be skipped. Thereafter, sugar and fat intake should be monitored continuously. At this point, it is advisable to use a glucometer or consult a doctor. Finally, it is strictly forbidden to consume fast sugars.
Here's a list of8 kinds of foods to avoid as part of diabetic treatment.
1 - All kinds of sweetened drinks
As you well know, sweetened beverages are rich in carbohydrate, a substance formally banned from the diet of a diabetic. In this case, regular fruit juice should be removed from the diet. These also include a large amount of fructose. This material promotes the profusion of fat and increases the cholesterol level in the body. Syrup, soda and lemonade are thus to be excluded from your daily routine.
2 - Processed foods such as pasta, rice and white bread
These three foods, pasta, rice and white bread are great stores of carbohydrates. Yet, the body would not be able to quickly assimilate these dangerous for diabetes nutrients, because these foods are low in fiber. In fact, eating these processed foods has been scientifically proven to promote higher sugar levels in the body. This phenomenon presents itself as a real danger to the person with diabetes.
3 - Cereals
The cereal is most often eaten early in the day. This one is going to start off badly forthe diabetic, because this processed food is very rich in carbohydrate. On that note, cereal consumption, especially sweetened cereals, is strictly prohibited as part of a diabetic diet. If this is the case for you, it is therefore essential to change your morning food intake.
4 - Sweet coffee
Are you diabetic? Consume your coffee without sugar, i.e. plain or espresso. In any case, it would be better for health, wellness and especially the treatment of diabetes. Indeed, before or after a meal, sweetened coffee contributes to the increase of blood sugar levels in the body. In addition, sugar assimilated in liquid is poorly assimilated compared to that in solid food.
5 - Dried fruits
Don't think thatdried fruit loses its contents or decreases its nutrient composition. On the contrary, the loss of water amplifies the concentration of minerals, vitamin and especially sugar. In the case of grapes, for example, the carbohydrate level is increased threefold when the fruit is dried. On that note, it's best to forget about this formula and go back to the fruit. This will help you controlthe blood sugar level in your body.
The dried fruits
6 - Fast food
You can find everything in a fast food restaurant. It is likely that you prefer savory menus and have not ordered sweet foods at all. Be careful with it! Most fast food is prepared with flour. They therefore have a high concentration of sugar, or even carbs that the body will absorb very easily. In addition, if these products are labeled, it is likely that the information provided on the blood sugar level is misleading.
7 - Frozen foods
Do you often eat frozen meals because they are easy to store and affordable? Be aware that these foods are dangerous for people with diabetes! If this is your case, it's time to restrict or even limit consumption. This formula is overloaded with fat. As a result, it would be difficult for you to monitor cholesterol levels and control the amount of blood sugar in your body.
8 - The different types of frying
In general, the consumption of fried food should be moderated for everyone. One more reason to restrict it for a person with diabetes. Indeed, because of the preparation, the fries in all their states have a large amount of toxic elements. This promotes several diseases such as cancer, heart problems, but especially diabetes. Although it is easy and quick to prepare, fried foods will have to be excluded from the dietary intake of a diabetic person.