You made sport without preparing it, nor to stretch you? You can feel aches at the level of the muscles which you do not have the habit of working: legs, arms, back...
The aches and pains also appear in the event of a flu state; it is one of the first symptoms of the appearance of a flu. In both cases, essential oils can relieve your aches and pains.
The most effective essential oils for aches and pains
To soothe the pain and stiff muscles associated with aches and pains, there is nothing like analgesic and anti-inflammatory essential oils, such as wintergreen or lemon eucalyptus essential oil.

The essential oil of Gaultherie Couchée
This essential oil is well known by sportsmen; it is excellent against cramps, small falls or pains related to the effort. It enters besides in the composition of numerous balms for the sportsmen. The essential oil of wintergreen is anti-inflammatory and "heats" the muscle to allow it to relax.
It is used only by cutaneous way. Caution however, in cutaneous use, it is preferable to dilute it because it is irritating in the pure state. In the event of localized aches, dilute two drops of essential oil of wintergreen in eight drops of vegetable oil of hazelnut or oily macerate of arnica (painkiller). The ideal is to carry out a preventive massage after the effort, then in local application if aches appear the following day. Repeat the operation the evening or the following day if the pains persist.
The essential oil of wintergreen should not be used in the pregnant and breast-feeding women nor in the children of less than seven years. It is also not recommended for people allergic to aspirin or following a treatment anticoagulant.
How to use Lemon Eucalyptus oil?
L'essential oil of lemon eucalyptus is, among the various essential oils of eucalyptus available, one of the most anti-inflammatory and the most effective against muscular pains. Moreover, it is one of the best tolerated, even with children.
It is used by cutaneous way, by oral way, in inhalation or in diffusion. It is advised to dilute it however if it is used on the skin. You can mix two drops of essential oil of lemon eucalyptus with five drops of oily macerate of arnica (anti-pain) or St. John's wort (anti-inflammatory). Do not expose yourself to the sun if you use St. John's wort macerate oil because it is a photosensitizing plant.
Massage the painful areas with the mixture. Repeat twice a day, for two to three days if the aches persist.
L'essential oil of lemon eucalyptus can be used for children over 3 years old and pregnant women over 3 months. It is not recommended for nursing mothers.
And for a massage, which anti-burdensome oils?
The two essential oils mentioned above, wintergreen and lemon eucalyptus, can be used in synergy to soothe aches. Other essential oils can come to supplement their action.
To use when the aches appear. In an empty bottle, mix 50 drops of macerate oily arnica20 drops of essential oil of wintergreen, 20 drops of essential oil of lemon eucalyptus and 20 drops ofessential oil of lavandin super (relaxing).
Apply 4 to 6 drops of the mixture on the aching muscles, until the pain disappears. Not to be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, nor by children under seven years old. This synergy is not recommended for people allergic to aspirin or following a treatment anticoagulant.
Which preventive massage oil to apply before or after sport?
The ideal is nevertheless to avoid having aches and pains: one can thus apply just before and after the sporting practice a massage oil which prepares the muscle to the effort. In this case, you can use calophylla vegetable oil, which promotes blood circulation. In a 30 mL bottle, pour 10 mL of this oil, add 4 mL of essential oil of wintergreen, 1 mL of essential oil of Italian helichrysum, excellent painkiller, and complete the bottle with oily macerate of St. John's wort (to be replaced by vegetable oil of macadamia if you expose yourself to the sun: St. John's wort is photosensitizing).
Not to use this synergy in the pregnant and nursing woman, nor in the children of less than six years. Also to avoid in the event of treatment anticoagulant or of abundant menstruation.
To apply some drops of this mixture in massage to the zones which will be solicited, a few hours before a physical effort, then immediately afterwards.
How to effectively relieve flu-related aches and pains?
In case of flu, you may feel aches and pains. One can relieve them thanks to an oil of massage: mix 25 mL of oily macerate of arnica, 25 mL of oily macerate of millepertuis and 30 drops of essential oil of wintergreen. To apply three times per day to the painful muscles.
If you practice sports regularly and stretch properly after the effort, you reduce the risks of seeing aches appear. It is also advisable to drink a lot of water in order to evacuate the toxins (lactic acid) that promote the appearance of aches or cramps. The aches and pains normally disappear after a few days; but we can minimize the pain and help the body to recover after the effort thanks to these massages with essential oils!