Curcumin to protect our liver

Detox cures and draining cures have been very much in vogue for a few years by a large majority of people interested in their well-being. From then on, individuals - mainly women - are increasingly invited to make a clever mix of all kinds of products to purify their liver, the main emunctory in a phase of purification of the body. In fact, certain phytotherapeutic or nutritional advice is often given in the spring and fall to purify and drain the body, whose needs are felt in the mid-seasons. In our role as wellness practitioners, we are very concerned and vigilant about the products that may be offered to interested customers. Obviously, the simplest supplements will be the most adapted and effective within the framework of a cure followed by a naturopath or a natural health therapist.

Very often, it is in the back of our cupboards that the ideal product is found. Therefore, let's search our kitchen cupboards today and discover, without surprise, Turmeric. Also known as Indian Saffron, this medicinal plant has been used for thousands of years for its curcumin, a polyphenolic pigment that gives the spice its yellow color.

Indian Saffron

We have certainly all heard of it before but turmeric has very interesting health benefits (anti-oxidant), anti inflammatoryantidepressant, anti-infectious, etc...). Nevertheless, it is its action on the hepatic sphere which seems to us one of the most important. Indeed, thanks to the curcumin it contains, turmeric has the powerful ability to protect the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, it will be mainly used in case of hepatic and gastrointestinal disorders but also during a detoxification cure.

In the 17th century, Lemery said of it that turmeric was "fit to lift obstructions of the spleen for jaundice and stones."

Therefore, thanks to its cholagogue and choleretic properties, turmeric will be advised for all liver pathologies but also during a targeted detoxification cure.

  • The secretion of bile is increased considerably.
  • Heartburn and acid reflux are effectively countered.
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers heal more quickly.
  • Cancers of the digestive sphere are more easily prevented.
  • The intestinal flora is improved.
  • The quality and production of natural probiotics is increased.
  • Inflammations of the digestive system are reduced.
  • The pancreas is stronger.
  • Turmeric supports the intestine in case of chronic diseases
  • Toxins are more easily evacuated by the body.
  • Turmeric purifies body fluids such as blood and lymph.

An interesting advantage of taking turmeric is that this all-natural supplement does not harm the digestive wall at all. In fact, curcumin can be taken chronically as a supplement to wellness. Nevertheless, some contraindications must be taken into consideration:

As with many natural remedies, turmeric also has its contraindications. For example, it should not be used if you have biliary tract obstructions or if you are already on anticoagulant therapy. Indeed, therisks of bleeding are then very present. Although very effective in preventing certain cancers, it is preferable not to start a cure of turmeric if you are undergoing chemotherapy.

The assimilation of turmeric

The bioavailability of turmeric has already been the subject of many questions because curcumin, a major compound in turmeric, is not fully assimilated by the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, in order to increase the bioavailability and assimilation by our body, it would be interesting to make adapted associations. Either with black pepper (Curcuma Longa - Peper nigrum) or and/or with a vegetable fat such as coconut oil for example.

Moreover, many dietary supplements have this association in their encapsulated compounds to allow an optimal effectiveness of turmeric and to offer a valuable and quality treatment to consumers.



Vanessa Colant 16 August, 2018
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The spices of detox