People in the East were already using Coriolus versicolor to cure some diseases. In traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine, it was a natural remedy for longevity. After research, the little mushroom was incorporated into the framework of conventional medicine. In 1970, its use was introduced in Chinese, Japanese and American hospitals. But what are the benefits of Coriolus Versicolor?
Coriolus mushroom and its medical properties
The Japanese referredto the mushroom Coriolus as karawatake, because it is found near rivers. In China, it is known as Yun-zhi which means cloud mushroom. If it was once used for traditional medicine, from 1970 onwards, research undertaken in the Japanese laboratory Kureha Chemicals attributed to it numerous virtues to prevent and fight many diseases.
What is Coriolus?
We can considerthe Coriolus asan ordinary mushroom. If the Japanese and Chinese had known it particularly, it is still seen all over the world, especially in European forests. It is part of the edible species. This species is also incorporated into phytotherapy, nutritherapy and especially mycotherapy. With its exceptional nutritional and biological composition, it guarantees wellness for the body.
General information on the Coriolus fungus
It is not a very well known species. In China, Coriolus is not famous enough compared to other fungi like Cordyceps. However, this one is an essential reference in the world of traditional therapy. Already, this species is integrated intoconventional medicine.
Coriolus grows on old hardwood trees. The fungus prefers instead beech or birch trees in very poor condition or even dead. It invades the wood. It emits a fruit which constitutes its reproductive organ.
Coriolus is a mushroom shaped like a hat, but without a foot. It is placed on the trunk of a tree in the form of a fan. It includes several colors. Regarding the scent, this species does not have a particular smell.
Compared to other fungi of its kind, Coriolus has a longer lifespan. It can live for several months. Thus, it is hard and persistent.
The Coriolus in all its states and its composition
In traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, Coriolus is consumed in its natural state or mixed into a therapeutic potion. It was used as a nutritional supplement. It was of great importance to the Chinese.
Coriolus contains vitamins. It can be used for cures during deficiency. It is also rich in trace elements and polysaccharides. These substances provide a considerable improvement of the immune system.
It is also an adaptogenic plant. By consuming Coriolus, you will be able to fight stress adapting to different situations and having an important self-control. To this end, it has no toxin composition.
In addition to this natural look, Coriolus has become a pharmaceutical ingredient. There are clinical procedures, and even medications, based on this little fungus. You can discover the forms in capsule or tablet.
The benefits of the Coriolus mushroom
Coriolushas great nutritional value and a very important biological composition. Thanks to its many virtues, it is used to prevent or fight against certain diseases. It is therefore a great future ofmycotherapy in the world. Research has revealed its ability to cure common diseases, but more importantly, it was attributed with anti-cancer virtues.
Mycotherapy with the Coriolus mushroom
Since it is a medicinal plant, it is important to understand that it has a very remarkable biological and nutritional composition. The polysaccharide content allows the Coriolus to improve the body's immune capabilities. It is also able to regulate reactions to stress and emotions in everyday life. Thus, it gets rid of those discomforts of a nervous nature that affect you physically.
Still, it is important to understand that European legislation does not allow the marketing of certain plants as food supplements throughout the continent. The Coriolus is fully affected by these current provisions. However, this species can be found very easily in the wild, on large old trees.
For consumption, if it is fresh mushroom, it is recommended a dose between 10 and 30 g per day. If you buy powder, a dose of 2 to 5 g is recommended. When taking Coriolus medication, the advice of a physician should be sought.
The coriolus on an old tree
Coriolus against cancers
Among the virtues of the mushroom Coriolus is its anticancerous property. This species is anatural alternative against stomach tumors and colorectal tumor.
Coriolus is a very effective fortifier. That's why it's recommended to consume it when you feel fatigue. Effectively, it stimulates the immune system. This allows the body to increase antibodies to fight viruses and cancer cells.
To trigger this anticancer effect, it is necessary to continue a cure for a minimum of two months on a dose of 1 gram per day. Polysaccharides regulate the body's immunological state after chemotherapy sessions.