As you probably know, having a strong immune system is essential for good health and quality of life. When it is weakened, the first symptoms are quickly visible. Vulnerable, the body makes us feel tired and weary, and then we easily get sick. In winter, this translates into colds, angina and other very unpleasant rhinopharyngitis in our daily lives. So how can we protect ourselves?
Essential oils are a great asset in strengthening your immune system! And they allow you to fight effectively against external aggressions.
The importance of the immune system
We often hear about the importance of preserving and protecting the immune system from many health concerns. But what exactly is the immune system?
These are all defense mechanisms that the body uses to fight external aggressions. Beyond the skin, which constitutes the first immune barrier, multiple cells (in the intestine in particular) are there to destroy foreign bodies that prove to be dangerous for the body.
You may have already heard of lymphocytes? These are the cells in charge of producing antibodies and helping to fight against bacteria and viruses.
When the cold seasons approach, it is time to prepare for the various traditional illnesses of this period. Taking care of one's immune system allows one to avoid very unpleasant symptoms such as
- Fatigue and lack of energy, which are the first signs of a weakened immune system.
- Vulnerability to surrounding bacteria and viruses.
- Repeated infections.
Essential oils are allies in strengthening the body's natural barriers.
Which essential oils are the most effective for better immune defenses?
Before usingessential oilsIt is essential to refer to the precautions of use specific to each.
Do not hesitate to call a professional if necessary. In any case, it is important to do a test in the hollow of the elbow to detect a possible reaction or allergy.
L'huile essentielle de ravintsara
This essential oil, derived from the leaves of the Camphor tree, is renowned for its immunostimulant properties thanks to its concentrated composition in 1,8 cineole, a molecule recognized for improving the immune system. It also helps to fight against viruses and bacteria. Finally, this oil helps to find a restful sleep.
It is also used in massage on the thorax, by diluting it in your vegetable oil (up to 5 to 10% maximum), up to 4 times a day.

The oil of ravintsarais also beneficial in diffusion to sanitize the interior and fight against the propagation of viruses. For this, pour 15 dropsof essential oilin a diffuser for a maximum of 20 minutes.
Precautions for use :
Oral administration is not recommended without professional supervision, nor in conjunction with medication.
- The oil cannot be used during the first three months of pregnancy, nor during breast-feeding, nor for children under 6 years old.
- It is not recommended if you have asthma.
- The use in diffusion must never be done near the children, the pregnant women and the animals.
- And finally, its concentration in limonene and linanol makes it potentially allergenic.
L'huile essentielle de Tea tree
This oil is known to fight against acne, because of its anti bacterial properties. But it is an ally to cross the winter period, because of its antiviral properties. The essential oil of Tea tree can be used in synergy with others such as ravintsara and niaouli.

Tea tree oilis generally well tolerated but there are some precautions to take:
- It is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- It is not recommended for children under the age of three.
- The presence of limonene makes it potentially allergenic.
The essential oil of thyme thujanol
Reputed to fight against the problems of the ORL sphere,thyme oilà thujanol also has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant properties. It can help to fight against the episodes of temporary tiredness.

L'huile is more particularly used in massage, by diluting the essential oil up to 10% in your vegetable oil. It can be applied on the thorax up to 4 times per day, over a period of 7 days.
Precautions for use :
- If you are pregnant, do not use this essential oil during the first three months of pregnancy, or while breastfeeding.
- This essential oil is prohibited for children under 3 years.
- Never apply this oil pure on the skin at the risk of skin reactions.
- We recommend that you consult a professional before considering any internal use.
- Finally, the composition of this essential oil can be potentially allergenic, remember to perform the skin test before any use.
The essential oil of niaouli
The essential oil of niaouli has stimulating properties of the natural defenses and constitutes an excellent ingredient in prevention of the infections. Very versatile,niaouli oilcan be used alone, in massage or diffusion, but also in synergy for inhalations.

Thisessential oilis powerful and needs to be used with care:
- This oil is prohibited during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
- It cannot be used in children under 6 years old.
- If you have epilepsy or asthma, consult your health care professional.
- It is also strongly discouraged in cases of hormone-dependent cancer because of its potential "estrogen like" effect;
- Enfin, this essential oilcan be potentially allergenic.
Which synergies of immunostimulant essential oils?
Stimulating massage oil:
- 30 ml vegetable oil(sweet almond, jojoba or hazelnut would be appreciated);
- 1 ml of EO ofravintsara ;
- 30 dropsd’HE de tea tree ;
- 10 drops of EO ofthyme in thujanol.
Use a few drops of this mixture on the chest once or twice a day for two weeks.
Bath salts :
- 100 g de Dead Sea salts;
- 10 dropsEO of ravintsara ;
- 5 dropsd’HE de tea tree ;
- 5 drops of niaouli EO.
Pour a handful of salt into your warm bath water, and relax for 15 to 20 minutes.
Immunity Booster Inhalation:
- 6 dropsEO of ravintsara ;
- 3 dropsd’HE de tea tree.
Pour the drops of EO on a handkerchief and breathe deeply 3 times a day.
Winter Diffusion:
- Mélangez 70drops of ravintsara EO,30 drops of EO of tea tree et 30 drops of niaouli EO,and diffuse this mixture about 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Remember to complement the use of essential oils with a healthy lifestyle: sleep, diet and physical activity will allow you to multiply their benefits.