Bereavement with Bach flowers

As November 1st approaches, a time often dedicated to the memory of lost loved ones, it's natural for grief to resurface in our thoughts and hearts. This process, though universal, is unique to each individual, and some seek gentle, natural ways to ease their grief. Among these solutions, Bach Flower Remedies are a valuable alternative for dealing with the emotions associated with bereavement. Let's discover together how these flower essences can help you through this difficult period, while respecting your emotional balance.

What are Bach Flowers and how do they work?

Bach Flower Remedies are flower essences created by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician who, in the 1930s, developed a natural method for restoring emotional balance. He firmly believed that physical health was closely linked to mental and emotional balance. He believed that certain negative emotional states could disrupt our overall well-being, and to remedy this, he identified 38 flower essences capable of harmonizing unbalanced emotions.

These elixirs are prepared from wild flowers and diluted in water with a natural alcohol base, often brandy, to preserve their potency. They are taken in drops, a few drops directly on the tongue or in a glass of water, and act gently on the emotions, without side effects or addiction.

Bach Flower Remedies offer invaluable support in bereavement, helping to release sadness, overcome anxiety and regain inner peace. Here are three Bach Flower Remedies particularly recommended for this delicate process.

Star of Bethlehem: the emotional shock absorber

The Star of Bethlehem is often described as the flower of comfort for people facing intense emotional shock.

Whether the bereavement is recent or long-standing, this flower helps to soothe the trauma of losing a loved one.

It is particularly indicated in the first moments following the announcement of the loss, but it can also act in the longer term to soften the feeling of absence and deep pain.

En savoir plus

Bach Flower. The Star of Bethlehem
  • Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem: what does it do?

Star of Bethlehem relieves grief, the feeling of being overwhelmed by sadness and the feeling that the world is falling apart. It comforts and helps heal emotional wounds.

  • Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem: WHEN TO TAKE IT?hen to use it?

As soon as the shock of the loss is felt, whether immediately after the announcement or in the days that follow, to regain a sense of calm.

Walnut: adapting to change

Walnut elixir is often used to accompany life's major transitions, of which bereavement is one of the most profound.

This flower helps to accept the inevitable change that comes with the loss of a loved one. Walnut allows us to cut the emotional ties that hinder adaptation and move on, preserving precious memories without exacerbated suffering.

Je découvre  

walnut bach flower
  • Bach Flower of Walnut: what does ithat does it do?

This flower acts on the difficulty of accepting change, the feeling of being trapped by a situation or emotions. It helps you turn over a new leaf while remaining in harmony with yourself.

  • When to take it Bach Flower of Walnut?

When it becomes difficult to accept that life goes on despite the loss, and you feel the need for support to cope with the transition.

Sweet Chestnut: a way out of despair

Sweet Chestnut is the flower of darkness and despair.

In the context of bereavement, it is particularly useful when suffering seems insurmountable and you feel totally lost.

This flower helps to find the light at the end of the tunnel and to see a glimmer of hope despite the omnipresent sadness.

En savoir plus

Bach Flower Chestnut
  • What does Chestnut blossom bach flower act on?

Sweet Chestnut works on states of deep despair, when emotional pain seems overwhelming and you feel you can't move on.

  • When to use ithe Chestnut Bach Flower?

When the pain of bereavement is so great that all seems lost, and you need to regain hope and a certain inner serenity.


Bereavement is a deeply personal experience, and everyone finds their own way of coping with it. Bach Flower Remedies offer gentle, natural support through this difficult period by balancing our emotions. They don't erase the pain, but they do help to manage it better, to soothe it and to regain a form of inner peace. Whether you're looking to soften the initial shock with Star of Bethlehem, adapt to the new reality with Walnut or overcome despair with Sweet Chestnut, these elixirs are precious allies.

If you feel the need for emotional support during this period, discover our selection of Bach Flowers on the Santi-Shop website and place your order today. Each flower has been carefully selected to offer you the very best of nature to support your emotions.

Découvrez toutes nos fleurs de Bach ici

Alexia Bernard 16 October, 2024
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