Bach Flowers: 3 elixirs for those who feel isolated

Water Violet, Impatiens and Heather are the three Bach flowers recognized to accompany the emotional states of people who feel isolated, lonely. Thanks to their vibratory action, these elixirs act in subtlety to help you evolve towards a more fulfilled life and open to the world. Discover the difference between these 3 flowers in order to find the one that best suits your needs. 

Water Violet, d'une distance apparente à une chaleur partagée

Water violet is a plant that grows in slow moving or stagnant waterways, marshes and ditches. Its mauve and yellow flowers in the center bloom from May to June.

It is number 34.

Water violet, the flower of the communication. The elixir of Bach Water Violet is addressed mainly to those whose reputation is to be cold, distant, untouchable people. Indeed, the people Water Violet feel different, not really in their place and thus withdraw gradually from the world and lock themselves in an ivory tower. The fortress erected around them makes them seem unreachable. But at the same time, let's admit that they like it when it suits them... Water Violet personalities have been put on a pedestal by others and sometimes they have a hard time coming down and making themselves available.

Water Violet in its negative state ends up being proud, superior, enclosed in its shell. However, thanks to the elixir, the difference becomes an asset and communication with the outside world becomes possible. No more worldliness, only simplicity.

The mantra would be, "I let myself get close and I can include myself in a group."


Impatiens, pour ceux dont le temps est précieux

Impatiens or impatience in French is a plant which can reach the 180 cm height and which pushes along the rivers, on the banks and in the wet grounds. Its flowers bloom between July and September.

It has the number 18.

Impatience, the flower of the notion of time. As its name suggests, Impatiens is the Bach flower linked to emotional states of impatience and sometimes intolerance. Impatiens type people often feel inner frustration when the world around them does not move fast enough. The pace of others is often described as too slow. The Impatiens person is not the type to think before acting. They act.

By taking the elixir Impatiens, you gain in diplomacy, you respect the rhythm of each one, as well as yours. Because very often, this impatience is an escape of the reality, the present and the whole underlined by a need for control.

Impatiens puts you back in the present and helps you become aware of the natural rhythms of each person and of Nature, your greatest Master.

The mantra would be, "everything in its time".


Heather, l'élixir de l'émancipation

Heather or false heather. Be careful not to confuse it with red flowered heather. Heather's pink-purple flowers bloom between July and September on the Landes, old swamps and acid soils.

It is numbered 14.

Heather is the flower of identity. It accompanies people who are dependent, who live only through the eyes of others, and who are in constant need of reassurance. Heather people can be people who talk a lot, who take up a lot of space, who are in demand. They don't necessarily realize that they are monopolizing the speaking time. They need to share. They also need others to feel important, useful, to feel they exist.

By taking the elixir Heather, the person becomes an independent adult, listening and open to the world. This flower of Bach acts as a catalyst. It helps to gain confidence, to grow and to become autonomous. 

Her mantra would be, "I feel safe and open to the world.

Source: all this information was taken from Mechthild Scheffer's book "Manuel complet des quintessence florales du Docteur Bach" published by Le Courrier du livre

Alexia Bernard 29 July, 2020
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Bach Flowers: 7 elixirs for those who lack interest in reality