Autumn essential oils

Adapting to seasonal changes is essential to maintaining our well-being. In autumn, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and essential oils offer natural solutions to harmonize our body and mind.

Autumn and Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), autumn is a season of transition, inviting introspection and preparation for winter. According to TCM, this season is closely linked to the lungs and large intestine, two organs essential for the circulation of energy (Qi) and the elimination of toxins. To maintain balance, we recommend eating nourishing, warming foods such as squash, spinach and pears. Breathing exercises such as Qi Gong are also recommended to strengthen the lungs. Finally, practices such as self-massage and acupressure can help stimulate energy circulation in these organs.

Essential Oils for Autumn

Essential oils play a key role in supporting our well-being in autumn. They help boost the immune system, warm the body and stimulate digestion.

Eucalyptus essential oil

L'eucalyptus essential oil is renowned for its decongestant and antiseptic properties. It is ideal for strengthening the respiratory system, often put to the test by the first signs of cold. Use as a vapour or inhalation to clear the air and ease breathing.

Click here for Eucalyptus EO

Ginger essential oil

L'ginger essential oilis known for its warming and digestive properties. It stimulates digestion and helps combat cold sensations. Apply a few drops diluted in vegetable oil and massage over the abdomen to reap its benefits.

Cliquez ici pour HE de gingembre 

Synergy between TCM and Essential Oils

For optimum adaptation to autumn, combine the principles of TCM with the use of the essential oils. For example, integrate daily rituals such as oil massages ginger essential oil to warm the body, or eucalyptus to support the lungs. Diffuse essential oils such as le ravintsara to strengthen the immune system. Complete with herbal teas such as ginger or cinnamon, harmonizing Qi and promoting a serene transition to winter.

Autumn with essential oils 

In short, adapting to autumn with Traditional Chinese Medicine and essential oils offers many benefits for body and mind. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine will enable you to enjoy a harmonious and balanced autumn season. Take advantage of this transitional period to strengthen your well-being and prepare your body for the coming winter.

M.D. 18 September, 2024
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