Are you deficient in vitamin B12?

Seasoned vegans know: they need to supplement with vitamin B12. But they are not the only ones who are susceptible to vitamin deficiency. In fact, older people, those who eat very little animal products and those who have undergone sleeve or bypass surgery should keep a close eye on their serum vit B12 levels. Find out everything you need to know about vitamin B12, otherwise known as cobalamin.

The effects of a vitamin B12 deficiency

A vitamin cobalamin deficiency should not be taken lightly. Indeed, a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to physical and psycho-neurological consequences: polyneuritis, ataxia and Babinski's sign, combined sclerosis of the spinal cord, parkinsonian syndrome, depression, manic states, psychosis, OCD, sleep disorders...

In sum, the clinical signs of a vitamin B-B12 deficiency are characteristic of any anemia: fatigue, paleness, asthenia, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, tingling, numbness of the extremities of the limbs, loss of memory, confusion, irritability...

What is vitamin B12 used for? 

Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation and maturation of red blood cells. It also participates in the synthesis of DNA and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Cobalamins are stored in the liver for several years waiting for the body to need them. This reserve can last from 3 to 5 years from the moment people stop eating animal products.

Reasons for vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a sign of malnutrition or malabsorption. Vegan and vegetarian diets can lead to vitamin deficiency as well as chronic diarrhea. Apart from these cases, there are 2 etiologies that explain more than 90% of vitamin B12 deficiencies in adults:

  • Biermer's disease: autoimmune disease characterized by :

    • autoimmune atrophic gastritis type A

    • the presence of antibodies

  • Maldigestion syndrome of dietary cobalamins: inability to release vit B12 from dietary and/or intestinal transport proteins in case of hypochlorhydria. The cause is either:

    • gastric atrophy

    • long-term use of antacids (PPIs, antihistamines)

    • long-term use of biguanides

Check for possible vitamin B12 deficiency

After a clinical examination that would lead to the suspicion of a vitamin B12 deficiency, the physician may advise a serum dosage by blood test to confirm or deny his diagnosis. This is a routine biological examination that allows for the determination of the serum vit B12 concentration, which must be between 200 and 500 pg/mL.

Another test that may be offered to you is a urinalysis to check the methylmalonic acid concentration.

carence en vitamine B12

Where to find vitamin B12

La cobalamine se trouve dans les produits d'origines animales : viande, produits laitiers, œuf et poisson. C'est la raison pour laquelle les végans ou ceux n'en mangeant que très peu sont carencées. Si pour des raisons éthiques, vous ne souhaitez pas changer vos habitudes ou que votre état de santé ne vous permet pas d'en manger ou de correctement l'assimiler,  il est nécessaire de vous supplémenter avec des compléments alimentaires de qualité


Vitamin B12 at Santi-shop

In our shelves, you can find vitamin B12 Clean & Green of the brand Purasana. Préparée à partir de chlorella et de shiitaké issus de l'agriculture biologique, elle convient aux vegans et aux végétariens. Les compléments sont également sans gluten, sans lactose et sans soja.

Practical of use, the recommended daily dose of Clean & Green is 2 tablets/d 1h before the meal.

To conclude with vitamin B12

Before suspecting a vitamin B12 deficiency, it is necessary to consult one's doctor in order to obtain his or her opinion and possibly a prescription for a blood test. As previously mentioned, vitamin B12 is stored for years in the liver. However, if your dietary habits or your health suggest that you may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency, go and see your doctor without delay!

Alexia Bernard 31 October, 2022
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