Anti-stress diet

Stress is expensive, both for our health and our wallet. Indeed, the cost of stress for the European Union is equivalent to a loss of more or less 20 billion euros per year. In France, the social cost of work-related stress is between 830 and 1,656 million euros, which corresponds to 10 to 20% of the expenses of the occupational accidents or diseases category of the social security system. ( INRS. National Institute of Research and Safety ).

Stress has become the enemy of many people in industrialized countries. Unfortunately, the simplest solution that most people have found is to take anti-anxiety drugs to alleviate the problem. Is this a solution? Of course not! It is like putting a band-aid on a wound. Of course, this certainly provides short-term relief, but the wound will quickly become infected if we do not act more thoroughly.

In addition to the different advice that can be found in medical literature or on the internet regarding well-being (massages, meditations, sophrology, energy treatments, etc.) another aspect is unfortunately not sufficiently addressed: Nutrition. Indeed, a healthy body is one that has all the nutrients it needs. Of course, for an optimal contribution, it is advisable to adopt a food adapted to its needs, healthy, natural and obviously of organic culture.

Choosing foods rich in minerals, trace elements, amino acids or specific vitamins is the key to vitality. So there is indeed an anti-stress diet.

What is it made of?

The tryptophans, amino acids that allow the creation of a neurotransmitter essential to well-being, by reducing the phenomena related to stress and inducing better sleep: The serotonin. Its action has a very positive impact on mood stabilization, impulse control, eating behavior, aggressiveness and even suicide.

Although these can be provided by dietary supplements in a levorotatory form that is then bioavailable, it is also possible to find them in the diet, ideally organic: almonds, peanuts, brown rice, soy, cheese, eggs, fish, dates, yeast, legumes.

In addition, people who have an adequate and sufficient level of serotonin avoid craving for sweets, which can quickly raise the level of serotonin so sought after to relieve stress. Let's understand then that by favoring slow carbohydrates in the daily diet, we maintain an ideal serotonin level.

This amino acid is essential at all stages of our evolution because a deficiency could cause a growth stoppage in children or adolescents. Therefore, planning a healthy diet during meals would allow your children to avoid any disorders related to serotonin deficiency.

Magnesium which works deep in the heart of our cells. Its action on the adaptation to stress is no longer to be proven today. Moreover, its contribution is essential to the good metabolism of the amino acids (like tryptophan for example).

But what should we consume to avoid deficiency?

Seaweed, almonds, avocados, dark chocolate (min 75% - sparingly for its sugar content), whole grains - because all refined food products are devoid of them - , bananas (if your diet allows it), figs, green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, tofu, apples as well as hazelnuts

But also:

  • Foods rich in omega 3: purslane, walnuts, rapeseed, perilla or canola oil, among others.
  • Foods rich in vitamins B3 and B6: peanuts, bananas, whole grains, sprouted seeds, tomatoes, soy, almonds, avocados, ....
  • Foods rich in vitamin C: fruits including berries and some citrus fruits, vegetables such as parsley, broccoli or even peppers.

Healthy eating is a key factor in our health, so let's balance our plates as best we can to get all the nutrients our bodies need.


Vanessa Colant 18 September, 2017
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