Alzheimer, curcumin and vitamin D3

Currently, it is known with certainty that patients with Alzheimer's disease tend to suffer from cerebral amyloidosis. In the heart of the brain, amyloid is deposited, a variety of proteins of plasma origin that is organized in plaques of fibrils that can be recognized by electron microscopy. This abnormal tissue prevents neuronal information from being transformed and transported by neurotransmitters in an optimal way since it is the entanglement of these plaques and nerve fibers that contributes to the degradation of neurons and nerve circuits within the brain.

Depending on the location of these deposits, certain deficits appear, notably Alzheimer's disease. These amyloid plaques cause irreversible damage. This process seems to be related to a hereditary predisposition, but also to the intrinsic activity of the immune system.

We had already mentioned the fact that curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory, could prevent brain degeneration such as Alzheimer's disease by preventing the spread of amyloid protein plaques, suspected to be one of the origins of this dementia.


The researchers determined that:

- The low molecular weight and chemical structure of curcumin allow it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and thus act directly and effectively at the heart of the problem since curcumin is very effective in inhibiting the formation of protein fragments that cause amyloidosis.

- Curcumin would therefore be much more effective than the many other currently known treatments for Alzheimer's.

- Alzheimer's symptoms caused by inflammation and oxidation are reduced by curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent


Just as we had already revealed the real health treasure that is vitamin D3. There is an enormous amount of research on the subject of vitamin D3 in the United States, but clearly the main conclusion is that there is an undeniable correlation between low levels of vitamin D3 and poor performance on cognitive tests, and patients, even elderly ones, supplemented with vitamin D3 show very significantly higher scores on cognitive and learning tests.

The great recent revelation is that the combination of vitamin D3 and curcumin (an active ingredient extracted from turmeric) is an explosive mixture that is much more effective than each active ingredient used alone. The combination of these 2 active ingredients has enormous repercussions on type II macrophages, thus optimizing the functioning of the immune system and thus preventing Alzheimer's disease. Because of their exceptional antioxidant capacities, the combination of vitamin D3 and curcumin allows to trap the hydroxyl type free radicals recognized as the most reactive and destructive.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 26 September, 2017
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