All about lumbago

Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability in our European countries and is the leading cause of work stoppage in the world. 80% of the population suffers from it at some point in their lives. There is no preferred age for this type of pain, but it has been studied and proven that, for lumbago for example, the most affected are adolescents and people around 45 years old.

Have you ever heard your friends, family or colleagues complain about back pain, a blockage or a "lapse of nothing" as it is usually called? Perhaps you have also experienced a back injury? But what part of your back are you really suffering from? Is it muscular? Nervous? It is therefore very important to understand this disease in order to be able to prevent it as well as possible. This blockage, this pain is a lumbago, of the family of low back pain.

But, concretely, what is a lumbago?

abdominal painA backache, you might say. Yes, but of what type? Where is the pain? At the level of the backbone? Lower back pain? Or is it more of a neck problem? Generally, people suffering from lumbago - or kidney strain - do not know what they are suffering from and therefore, often, the treatments to cure or relieve this pain are misguided: anti-inflammatory drugs, infiltrations, physiotherapy or osteopathy, putting a hot water bottle or on the contrary a cool and wet cloth, clay, etc. ? The sufferer is often willing to try anything to relieve the pain.

Some will say that the injury is muscular while others will certify that they have a pinched nerve because the pain gives an "electric shock" effect, like a lightning radiation. The back pains are very, even too numerous: arthritis, osteoarthritis, lumbago, sciatica are many evils which invalidate with the daily newspaper.
A lumbago is thus a pain caused by the crack of a disc located between two lumbar vertebrae, which while ageing, are deteriorated generating more risks This causes compression of a nerve located in the intervertebral discs. This very painful phenomenon leads to a muscular contracture which will amplify the pain with each movement.

Fissure, compressed nerve and muscular pain, an explosive cocktail.

[bctt tweet="Lumbago, despite its frightening definition, is the most common and benign form of back pain. "username="Santenu"] Lumbago, despite its frightening definition, is the most common and benign form of back pain. We can also define it according to its intensity. Indeed, if the pain persists for up to a month, we are talking about acute pain that will put you on leave and forced rest. However, if despite the work stoppages and treatments, the pain persists beyond 3 months, we are in a chronic phase and from then on a change of lifestyle should be studied with a competent therapist such as a naturopath or a back specialist.

Osteopathy session

What causes lumbago?

  • A false movement: rotation and/or forward bending,
  • Carrying too heavy a load,
  • Bad back position when carrying a load: shopping bags, heavy boxes, etc.,
  • Too much effort,
  • Holding a wrong position for too long.

How to prevent lumbago?

  • By strengthening the lumbar area through a sport activity adapted to your situation,
  • Avoiding unnecessary back strain,
  • By sparing his back,
  • By learning to move in a positive way: back schools are gradually multiplying in Belgium and Europe to teach you this art of moving without risk.
  • By holding yourself correctly on a daily basis,
  • By learning to bend your knees correctly,
  • Reduce the stress that causes unnecessary muscle tension.

By following a healthy and natural lifestyle and taking care of your body, it is obvious that you can live your life without ever experiencing the slightest signs of low back pain. Your back is the pillar of your body, it supports you, it carries you, it lifts you up so take care of it for a painless life.

Vanessa Colant 22 April, 2016
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