A natural hope for Parkinson's disease

A very recent study highlights and confirms the beneficial effects of two antioxidants already known in the field of nutritional supplements and natural medicine. These are resveratrol and quercetin, active ingredients that would help maintain optimal brain function.

Natural medicine is still somewhat lacking in relation to cerebral degenerations and particularly to Parkinson's disease. Thus, the resveratrol-trans used in this study constitutes a new hope in this pathology. As for quercetin, it is extracted from green tea which has very high concentrations.

Parkinson's disease is manifested by a decrease in motor skills and a slowing down of speech, muscular rigidity, tremor and a slowing down of movements. This degeneration can even go as far as the total incapacity to perform certain movements.

These signs result from a decrease in the level and secretion of dopamine, an essential neurotransmitter in brain activity. The researchers hypothesized that the death of dopamine-producing neurons may be the result of oxidative stress and free radical damage.

Resveratrol and quercetin are currently recognized as having powerful protective properties against free radicals and exceptional antioxidant power. These two natural substances would therefore help prevent this type of degeneration. The concrete results of the research show that these two natural molecules decrease the mortality rate of brain cells by acting directly on the genetically programmed cell death process. It is therefore easy to imagine using these two substances as a preventive measure or as an addition to the traditional treatments used for all neurodegenerative diseases.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 3 October, 2017
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